Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe: Best 7 Health Benefits

Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe sounds like a strange thing to make for lunch, but we had a crazy busy morning, and it was just what we needed.

We walked to the Whole Foods deli counter and got chicken breast, curry powder, celery stalks, and grapes.

While there, we also picked up some honey and vanilla extract because they always go well in this recipe.

How to make Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe


  • 1 cup chicken breast (cooked to your liking)
  • 1/4 cup grape jello (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons chopped celery stalks
  • 1 tablespoon honey or agave nectar


Step 1: Mix all ingredients in a bowl and sit for at least 10 minutes. Serve on a bed of lettuce if you have time.

Step 2: Store in refrigerator and eat within 3 days.

Step 3: If you are not making this for lunch, you can make it for breakfast. Put the chicken and other ingredients in a food processor and mix.

Step 4: Add some eggs to whatever you have on hand. An egg and a slice of whole-wheat toast is an easy lunch when all else fails.

Step 5: Serve and enjoy!

Nutrition facts of Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe

Serving size: roughly 2-3 cups

Amount per serving:

  • Calories: 99
  • Cholesterol: 52 mg
  • Sodium 16mg 1%
  • Carbs 15g 2%
  • Protein 6.7g 9%  
  • Saturated fat 1.4g 6%  
  • Fiber 3g 12%

Best 7 Health Benefits for Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe

1. Fiber:

Fiber will help you lose weight and makes you feel full. Fiber is one of the best foods for weight loss because it fills you up and takes longer to digest, which helps regulate blood sugar.

2. Protein:

Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe
Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe

Chicken breast contains a large supply of protein, so it will keep you feeling full and satisfied. Protein is a crucial nutrient when looking to lose weight because it gives you energy and satiates your appetite for longer periods.

3. Healthy Fats:

Chicken breast is also a great source of healthy fats. Healthy fats help with weight loss because they will keep you feeling full.

4. Vitamin A & E:

If you aren’t eating enough leafy greens, you are not getting the full benefits of these nutrients. Vitamin A and E are both antioxidants that are great for your skin and immune system.

5. Great Source of Iron:

Iron will increase your energy and help with many other aspects of your health. Iron is also important because it carries oxygen to the rest of your body, where it is needed most.

6. Vitamin C:

Vitamin C helps you fight bacteria and infection, which means you will spend less time sick when you regularly consume vitamin C. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and the flu – two common things this time of year.

7. Healthy Weight:

Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe is a great weight loss meal when you pair it with other lean protein foods. It’s easy to see why this salad is a popular item on the menu at Whole Foods.  

If you eat at the Whole Foods deli counter, which has lots of tempting foods, this salad will give you the nutrition you need and take away those pesky cravings for greasy and high-calorie items.

Can I Freeze It?

Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe
Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe

Yes, you can freeze this salad. Let it sit in the refrigerator overnight, then transfer it to an airtight container. If you want to keep the chicken salad cold longer, you can add ice cubes to each container before closing them up.

Is It Healthy?

Yes, it’s very healthy! Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe is perfectly cooked, the grapes are sweet and juicy, and the celery has a hint of spice. This chicken salad will not leave you feeling guilty after eating it.

Other Ways to Skin a Chicken

When you skin a chicken breast, you can get about 8 pieces from one large breast. Sometimes I buy an entire pack just for this purpose.

If you cook whole chickens, you can take the meat off the bone and freeze it for later. From there, you can cut chicken breast into small pieces and cook them in various ways. The great thing about cooking chicken is that it’s very versatile.

Is It Gluten-Free?

Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe is not gluten-free. Whole Foods sells plenty of gluten-free items, and many of its staff members are very knowledgeable about diet restrictions. Remember that soy products are included in this recipe, so if you have a soy allergy, you should avoid this recipe.

Is It Low Calorie?

Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe is high in fiber and protein, which means it is filling and has low calories. A serving of Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe is around 100 calories, so making this dish yourself will not add too many to your daily calorie total.


Whole Foods Curried Chicken Salad Recipe is a great low-calorie, a fiber-filled dish that will not leave you feeling guilty about your weight loss efforts.

If you want to change your diet, try this recipe and see how it changes your favorite foods at Whole Foods to make them healthier.

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