Tiger Cake Recipe: Best 9 Steps To Make It

Tiger cake recipe is an easy-to-make cake favorite in many homes. The elaborate cake is not difficult to make and can be made in advance.

Tiger cake is an example of a showstopper cake because it looks like a real tiger. The individual ingredients for this recipe are of the highest quality, so there is no reason to hesitate when preparing this cake.

The recipe I am presenting you with here is easy to follow and can deliver spectacular results. Below I will give instructions on every step into making your cake.

How To Make Tiger Cake Recipe?

Preparation time: 10 mins

Cooking time: 60 mins

Total Time: 70 mins

Servings: 10 servings


  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • ¼ tsp salt.
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder.
  • 4 oz apricot preserves, tightly
  • 1 tablespoon dark cocoa powder (e.g., Hershey’s “Special Dark”)


Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350F.

Step 2: Mix the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition to incorporate them.  

Step 3: Add in vanilla extract and mix well.  Sprinkle flour and salt over the top, beating them into the batter.  Blend in baking powder with a spoon or mixer briefly to combine it with the rest of the ingredients.  Set cake batters aside. In a small bowl, mix the cocoa and the apricot preserves.  Set aside.

Tiger Cake Recipe
Tiger Cake Recipe

Step 4: Spray a 10-inch tube pan (or two 8-inch pans) with nonstick spray and lightly dust it with flour.  Pour in one-third of the batter, spreading it evenly from side to side. Add in a layer of half of the chocolate mixture on top of this layer, spreading it evenly across all 4 surfaces.  

Step5: Repeat this process with the remaining 2/3 of the batter and chocolate mixture to have 3 layers of each.  Spread batter evenly, 45 seconds after you add the third layer.

Step 6: Bake for 45 minutes or until the cake feels firm in the center when you press it lightly with your finger.  

Step7: Cool for 1 hour in the pan before turning it out (you can place the cake on a cooling rack to hasten).  Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

Step 8: Then, invert onto the wire rack to cool completely.

Step9: Serve and enjoy!


I was told there isn’t any actual tiger in this recipe, but this cake is great nonetheless.

(1) To make the tiger fur, use any color of icing that you want. The darker the color, the stronger it will be. Red is the best color in my opinion!

(2) To make white icing, make a batch of basic white icing and use it with a little bit of blue food coloring. The result will be very pale blue. This can be used to cover the entire cake.

(3) For the brown sugar for the fur, you can also use another color of sugar that you want as long as it is darker than brown sugar. You can find mealy or powdered sugar at your local supermarket or single-serving packets on Amazon.

(4) I recommend using a cake pan with a removable bottom. This way, it will be easier to serve your cake.

(5) If you plan on serving this straight from the refrigerator, allow it to sit out for 15-20 minutes before serving.

If you are trying to make a family recipe healthier, you can replace the white sugar with brown sugar and add some cinnamon to have it retain its softness and chewiness.

Nutrition Analysis

Total Fat55.6g
Saturated Fat27.1g

Best 5 Health Benefits Of Tiger Cake Recipe

Here are the best 5 health benefits of the Tiger cake recipe:

1. Tiger cake is a great way to impress your friends and family with your culinary skills.

2. It is one of the easiest and most popular desserts to make with children.

3. It is relatively easy to make, making it practical for people with limited time on their hands.

4. Tiger cake is very delicious, making it a palatable choice for most people.

5. It goes well with tea or coffee.

Can I Freeze It?

If you are not going to eat your cake cold, then you can keep it in the refrigerator at all times. But if you are going to eat it cold, the answer is yes.

You can eat this straight from the refrigerator, and it will be a little bit harder than eating it straight from room temperature.

Tiger Cake Recipe Weight Loss

If you want to shed off a few pounds and get back in shape, the tiger cake recipe is the way to go. Tiger cake is a simple and healthy treat that you can consume daily to help you shed off some fat and build muscle.

Is It Good For Diabetic Patients?

Yes! It is very good for diabetic patients. Just make sure that you eat it in moderation.

Is It Good For Hypertensive Patients?

Yes! It is very good for hypertensive patients as well. Just like diabetic patients, make sure that you eat this in moderation.

What Is In Tiger Cake Recipe?

To create this cake, there are a lot of ingredients required to complete the recipe. However, the tiger cake recipe I am sharing with you only takes a few minutes to prepare.


I hope you found this article helpful and learned how to make a tiger cake recipe easily. If you have any questions, please comment below, and I will be glad to help.

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