Sweet Tart Drink Recipe: Amazing 16 Serving Suggestions

Sweet Tart Drink Recipe is a perfect drink for a party or fancy. It’s not too alcoholic, so it would be an excellent drink for the kids too. Plus, the ingredients are relatively cheap and easy to find in any grocery store.

The ingredients include Sour Patch Kids candy, ginger ale, sparkling water, and lime wedges.  The sour patch kids candy is to give it a little flavor.

Sweet Tart Drink Recipe
Sweet Tart Drink Recipe

So, get out your sour patch kids candy and some glasses. Pour your ginger ale in the mirrors, then add 1/4 of the wedges on top of the ginger ale. Now you can add some lime wedges on top of that.

How To Make Sweet Tart Drink Recipe?

Now add your sparkling water and then the candy. Then enjoy! The candy will sink to the bottom, so you’ll have to stir it a little, but other than that, this is an easy drink recipe to make for any party or get-together you have.


  • 1/2 cups
  • 1 cup
  • 1/4 cup Ginger Ale
  • 1/4 cup Lime Juice (fresh) 
  • 1 Lime Wedges
  • 4 to 5 Sour Patch Kids Candy
  • unwrapped 2 to 3 cups  Sp lling Water Ice Cubes  


Step 1. Mix the ginger ale, lime juice, and lime wedges in a pitcher or large glass. Add the sour patch kids candy on top of the ginger ale. Add the sparkling water and stir gently so that the candy does not sink to the bottom.

Step 2. Add ice cubes and stir gently again.

Step 3. Garnish with lime wedges if desired.

Note: There is a possibility that the candy may sink to the bottom of the drink. Just bring a straw up to the edge of the glass and then slowly lower back down so that you can get all of your sour patch kids candy without any trouble.

Nutrition Fact

Nutrition Fact
Calories 50
Protein 0g
Carbohydrate 4g
Sugar 3g
Calories from Fat 6
Total Fat 1.5g
Sweet Tart Drink Recipe

Amazing 16 Serving Suggestions Sweet Tart Drink Recipe

1 – Split it up into a punch bowl and add sliced apples and pineapple chunks or bananas to serve at a party.

2 – Substitute club soda for the sparkling water and lemon juice for the lime juice to make a sweet-tart lemonade.

3 – Use different colored sour patches and kids to make your drink look rainbow.

4 – Make with root beer instead of ginger ale.

5 – Make non-alcoholic sparkling water and sweet-tart lemonade using the same recipe substituting lemon juice for lime juice.

6 – Add a little rum or vodka to make a grown-up version of the drink.

7 – Add other flavors of sour patch kids (cherry, strawberry, grape, etc.) to change the drink’s flavor.

8 – Make with sprite or 7-up instead of ginger ale.

9 – Substitute blue raspberry sparkling water for plain sparkling water.

10 – Substitute sprite lemonade for plain sparkling water.

11 – Make it with cough syrup (diet or regular) instead of ginger ale.

12 – Use it as a topping for ice cream.

13 – Add frozen lemonade concentrate and top off with sparkling water instead of ginger ale to make a slushy drink. 

14 – Add frozen lemonade concentrate and top off with club soda to make a slushy drink.

15 – Add crushed ice and make it slushy instead.

16 – Make it a beer drink by replacing the sparkling water with beer.

Do they still make sweet tarts?

Yes. In elementary and middle school, Sour Patch Kids was always a big thing to sell for fundraising. Nowadays, there’s so much candy available that I don’t see it sold very much, but you can still get it in stores.

How do you get sour patch kids out of your teeth?

So, if you eat these candies by the handfuls as most kids do, then this is a problem that you’ll run into. There are a couple of things you can do.

One is to brush your teeth immediately after eating them, but this won’t help you that much if you go to bed immediately afterward and wake up the following day with a bunch of sour patch kids in your mouth.

Another thing you can do is to try rubbing toothpaste on your teeth instead of brushing so that it gets in between your teeth better.

Have Any Side Effects?

While I haven’t personally experienced any side effects from these candies, one thing has to be considered: Since they are sugar free candy, it wouldn’t be surprising if they contributed to having a higher risk of dental cavities.

The Bottom Line

I think you can find pretty much any candy in just about any grocery store. Even the more exotic sweets like mango-flavored sour patch kids are very easy to find.

This will be a great party drink to make if you want to mix it up with something that most people don’t usually get together and have a nice drink with some candy at the same time.

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