Strawberry Cake Pop Recipe: 10 Healthy Benefits

Strawberry Cake Pop Recipe Is Your New Favorite Dessert Recipe! Strawberry Cake Pop Recipe is the perfect dessert for summer and strawberry season.

Whether you enjoy this as a mid-day snack or as a tasty dessert, it’s always going to be a hit. This recipe is very simple and easy to make. It only takes 4 ingredients to make these Strawberry Cake Pops.

Strawberry Cake Pop Recipe
Strawberry Cake Pop Recipe

What Is The Trick To Making Strawberry Cake Pop Recipe?


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 red apple (cut into small pieces)
  • 3/4 cup blueberries


Step 1. Preheat oven to 325°F/160°C.

Step 2. Whisk together cake flour, baking powder, and salt until blended in a large bowl. Add in butter, milk, and vanilla extract; stir until smooth.

Step 3. Whisk egg white in a separate bowl for about 20 seconds to break it up (not too long, though). Pour the egg white into the batter and mix well with a wooden spoon until well blended and smooth.

Step 4. Pour batter into a large piping bag and pipe it into 1″ circles that are about 2″ apart.

Step 5. Bake the cake pops for 15-18 minutes, rotating once after 10 minutes until cooked through (a toothpick should come out clean when you take a sample). Let cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Nutrition Fact Of Strawberry Cake Pop Recipe

Calories 200
Fat 2.6g
Carbohydrate 40.9g
Protein 3.2g
Fiber 1.8g
Cholesterol 22mg

How Do You Make Easy Vanilla Cake Pops?

1. Bake vanilla cake into cake balls and cool completely.

2. Fill a pastry bag with the frosting of your choice and pipe 2-3 small dots of frosting onto each cake pop. 3. Place one on the cake ball, cover with another cake ball, and place on wax paper to make more decorating easier.

4. Add sprinkles, confetti sprinkles, or crushed candy to the top of your pops before you eat them!  

5. Top with whipped cream if you prefer!

10 Healthy Benefits Of Strawberry Cake Pop Recipe

1. C a prevent cancer

A study found that strawberries may help in preventing lung cancer in women.

2. Can improve heart health

A cup of strawberries in a day can cut the risk of heart disease by half.

3. Can prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, good for your brain and memory power.

4. Good for bones

Vitamin K is necessary to maintain healthy bones and teeth, especially as we age and our body produces less of it naturally.

5. Reduces chances of heart disease

Strawberry is rich in beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, which helps prevent heart disease by keeping cholesterol levels low.

6. Can treat urinary tract infection

A study found that eating strawberries is effective in treating some urinary tract infections.

7. Can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer

A study in the United Kingdom found that women who ate two to five servings of strawberries per week had lower breast cancer rates than those who didn’t.

8. Can lower the risk of stroke

A study found that women who ate strawberries had a 27% decreased risk of stroke. Another study found that they also prevent blood clots, leading to strokes or heart attacks.

9. Reduces risk of diabetes

The antioxidants in strawberries may help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by keeping insulin levels stable.

10. Can improve mood and increase energy

Strawberries are high in vitamin C, a mood-boosting vitamin that can also boost your energy levels and help fight depression.

Bottom Line

The use of strawberries dates back to Prehistoric times. The Ancient Romans discovered that the juice from dried and crushed berries made a good dye for clothing. The Romans and Greeks also used the fruit for medicinal purposes, including easing nausea and curing diarrhea. The fruit is related to raspberries, strawberries, and goji berries.

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