Top 7 Freezing Ideas Of Spinach Cake Recipe

The spinach cake recipe is a great way to get your kids to eat spinach without realizing it.

This spinach cake recipe is made with eggs, sugar, flour, and grated cheese mixed with some crumbled feta or goat’s cheese plus flavorings such as nutmeg and lemon zest for a quick breakfast dish or snack cake for any time of the day.

Spinach is good for you, so adults, as well as children, will love this healthy dessert.

How to make Spinach Cake Recipe


  • 4 eggs
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/4 cup spinach finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 1/2 tablespoon oil
  • 2 1/2 tablespoon feta cheese, crumbled


1. preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C) and grease a 9-inch square baking pan.

2. Whisk together the eggs, salt, baking powder, and oil in a bowl.

3. Stir in the spinach and cheese until well blended.

4. Pour the mixture into the baking pan and bake for 30-40 minutes.

5. Let the cake cool completely before cutting.

6. When ready to serve, cut into individual pieces.

7. Serve with cottage cheese or yogurt and fruit such as berries, apple slices, and banana slices, if desired.

8. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 3 days.

9. Enjoy!

Nutrition facts of Spinach Cake Recipe

Cholesterol81 mg
Sodium51 mg
Total Carbohyd7g
Vit A133%

Health Benefits of Spinach Cake Recipe

Spinach is an excellent source of iron, vitamins C K, and its cancer-fighting compound, beta carotene.

Spinach Cake Recipe
Spinach Cake Recipe

Spinach helps maintain blood pressure levels in normal range and may help lower blood cholesterol by burning off fat cells that cause cholesterol deposits in the arteries.

Spinach helps improve the function of the pancreas and is a wonderful source of vitamin K, which helps maintain strong bones.

Top 7 Freezing Ideas of Spinach Cake Recipe

1. Bake the spinach cake and freeze it. To thaw, remove from the freezer to refrigerator overnight.

2. Freeze each slice individually wrapped in plastic wrap, remove as needed, and thaw at room temperature.

3. Add a recipe of lemon juice, salt, and pepper to the spinach cake and freeze for 2 hours before serving so that it will be nice, cool, and tender when done.

4. Add lemon juice to the spinach cake and freeze for 2 hours.

5. Add a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream to the spinach cake and freeze for 2 hours.

6. Chill the cooked, cooled spinach cake in the refrigerator overnight with sliced strawberries and serve the next day, topped with whipped cream or lemon juice if desired.

7. Use as a topping for cold fruit yogurt or cottage cheese dessert recipes such as Strawberry Yogurt Dessert Recipe

Is It Healthy?

Spinach is an excellent source of iron, vitamins C K, and its cancer-fighting compound, beta carotene. Spinach helps maintain blood pressure levels in normal range and may help lower blood cholesterol by burning off fat cells that cause cholesterol deposits in the arteries.

Spinach helps improve the function of the pancreas and is a wonderful source of vitamin K, which helps maintain strong bones.

Is It Gluten-Free?

It is gluten-free if made without wheat flour, but it is not considered gluten-free if made with wheat flour.

Variations of Spinach Cake Recipe

Spinach cake can be served with fruit salad, yogurt or cottage cheese, blueberry sauce, or frozen yogurt dip.

Is It Suitable For Pregnant Women?

Spinach is a very good source of iron, vitamins C and vitamin K. These nutrients may help to strengthen a woman’s blood and improve fetal development and heart function.

It is also a good source of folate, which helps promote healthy cell growth in the fetus; pregnant women eat the more folate, the less likely their child will suffer from congenital disabilities such as spina bifida.

Is It Good For Diabetic Patients?

Spinach is low in fat and has high fiber content, making it good for diabetic patients. The vitamins C and K and beta carotene all may help reduce the risk of eye disease, stroke, and heart disease. Spinach has very few calories, so you can enjoy it without fear of gaining weight.

Is It Good For Losing Weight?

Spinach is good for losing weight because it is low in calories and fat but high in fiber, folate, and vitamins A, C, and K.

These nutrients may help promote healthy metabolism, reduce inflammation in the body and boost energy levels.

Is It Good For Hair & Skin?

Spinabellus Spinacia or Spinach contains several nutrients that may help to improve skin health as well as hair and nail condition.

Folate may help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss; healthy vitamin A in spinach also helps to improve skin condition. Vitamins C and K and beta carotene are good for healthy hair, skin, and nail growth.

Is It Drinkable?

Spinach can be eaten raw, cooked, or frozen. It is an ideal ingredient to add to smoothies, juices, or soups as it has a mild flavor and is easy to blend into a liquid-based recipe.

The Bottom Line

Spinach is a healthy ingredient available all year-round and has a mild flavor that blends well into many recipes.

It has several nutrients that promote good health and a healthy lifestyle. It can be frozen, cooked, or served fresh for salads, smoothies, juices, and many other recipes. 

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