Scoop Cake Recipe: 8 Healthy Benefits Of It

The scoop cake recipe is great for anyone that doesn’t have a lot of time or wants an easy, quick dessert. It’s also perfect for when you need two different flavors that don’t mix well together.

This recipe makes a rather large cake, and the measurements are approximate because I never measure out the ingredients. If you want to cut the recipe in half, go ahead.

How To Make A Scoop Cake Recipe?

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time:30 minutes

Serves about 10 people.


  • 2 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of white sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp Baking powder
  • 1/2 cup butter (melted)

Ingredients to make the topping:

  • 3 eggs (separate the yolk from the white)
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 3/4 cup of brown sugar, packed.
  • 3/4 cup of butter (melted) [for caramel topping only]


1. Preheat your oven to 400* F and grease a mixing bowl.

2. Mix flour, salt, and baking powder in the bowl.

3. Mix in melted butter until it forms a dough. Knead until all the mixture becomes cohesive and smooth.

Scoop Cake Recipe
Scoop Cake Recipe

4. Divide into 6 pieces and roll each piece in your hands to make a ball-like shape, then flatten each ball with your hands as much as you can into a disc.

5. Bake until lightly brown on top.

6. Let them cool off completely and then transfer to a cooling rack.

7. In the meantime, make your caramel topping: remove 3/2 cup sugar from the cup and put it in a skillet over medium heat. Whisk in 1/2 tsp of water and caramelize until golden brown.

8. Add egg yolk let it boil while whisking until slightly thickened.

9. Add 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract.

10. Add the caramel sauce to the cooled-off cake and spread evenly over it, making it look like a layer.

11. Then, add the rest of the sugar and mix thoroughly until the sugar is dissolved and caramelized throughout. This step takes longer than the actual baking process because the sugar needs to melt to pour into your cake batter.

12. Transfer cake into a tin using a silicone spatula.

13. Put caramel on the refrigerator for 20 minutes and then cut and serve.


Do not over mix or knead the batter because the mixture is sticky and sticky; it makes your cake all teary when you pull it out of the oven, so make sure to take it easy.

If you want, use a candy thermometer to ensure that you don’t overheat your sugar while making caramel.

Nutrition Fact Of Scoop Cake Recipe

Calories: 386

Fat: 18.7g

Carbohydrates: 44.3g

Protein: 2.6g

Sodium: 120.9mg

Healthy Benefits Of Scoop Cake Recipe

Here are some health benefits of the Scoop cake recipe:

1. Scoop cake recipe is a good energy source, making your body feel like it’s running in a coffee shop.

2. Scoop cake recipe is good for your health, and it can be used in place of white flour.

3. It’s a perfect dessert choice because it can be used as filling for the ice cream and make a delicious parfait, to mention a few ways that you can use the ingredients in this recipe to your advantage.

4. Scoop cake recipe has great fiber.

5. It minimizes the feeling of hunger and can reduce your cravings for unhealthy foods.

6. It’s a great way to eat healthy without having to do anything fancy or complicated.

7. Scoop cake recipe is a good way to start your day because it contains vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which your body needs to function at an optimal level.

8. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy that the body uses to carry out vital processes, such as thinking and breathing.

The scoop cake recipe is a great dessert to enjoy with your family and friends. This is an excellent recipe for an easy, homemade ice cream cake.

Can I Freeze It?

Yes, you can freeze it. Defrost it in the fridge and serve it just like any other cake.

Is This Good For A Diabetic Patient?

Yes, this is good for diabetes because it is low in calories and carbohydrates. Also, the Scoop cake recipe contains healthy fats and proteins needed to meet your daily dietary needs.

How Long Does It Take To Make This Scoop Cake Recipe?

It only takes 30 minutes! And if you want to skip the cooking process, you can use a store-bought mix. Just be sure to take it out of the fridge to warm up a bit.

Can I Use Store Bought Mix?

The store-bought mix is great if you use it as an ingredient, but if you are making the recipe from scratch, stay away from the packet because recipes usually require more ingredients.

Can I Add Extra Sugar?

Not really. Adding extra sugar is not a good idea because it will make the cake too sweet. If you like your cake sweeter, add some berries or chocolate chips.

Is It Healthy?

The scoop cake recipe is not the healthiest choice for a dessert, but it is great in moderation. Make sure you don’t eat it all at once.

Can I Add Nuts?

You can add a handful of mixed nuts to this recipe if you like. But don’t overdo that because the cake might become too heavy to eat. Maybe add a handful of nuts to a cup of milk and stir them well, then add it to the cake batter.


This scoop cake recipe is quick, fun, simple, and delicious! If you want to add some flavor, try adding a cup of nuts or different spices that you like.

This scoop cake recipe is so delicious that it is sure to make a great dessert for your family and friends.

If it is not sweet enough, you can also add extra sugar, but don’t overdo it. Just a couple of tablespoons will suffice.

This scoop cake recipe is an excellent choice for a birthday party or other big events, just because this recipe only takes about 30 minutes to make, and you can customize it to fit the theme of your party.

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