How To Make Sadza Recipe: Best 8 Step

Sadza recipe is a staple of the Zimbabwean diet. It is also a traditional food in Malawi and Zambia. Most people eat it with bananas, peanuts, or fish in tomato sauce.

This is a popular and easy make dish. Sadza comes from the word “Aziza”, which means ground and not gluten, so it’s a gluten-free dish.

It usually takes about 20 minutes to make the meal, but that time can vary, depending on other ingredients you add to your recipe. It’s best served hot with a side of vegetables or salad.

Some people use it as a side dish or main meal. It’s also eaten with maize as a substitute for bread or rice.

What Is The Sadza Recipe?

Sadza is also known as where, kudu, or zimbabwe beanmeal. The recipe for Sadza is quite simple and easy to make. The taste is closest to that of an Indian food called Chapati, but with more flavour and a softer texture.

The best way to make Sadza is in the oven.

You need to mix the ingredients dry, then bind them together with a hands-on technique. Once mixed (like a dough), it must be eaten immediately, preferably hot.

Sadza Recipe
Sadza Recipe

You will need to use chickpea flour and baking soda for the best results – these are both gluten-free ingredients.

There are many other flavouring options available, including those containing banana, paprika, and others that enhance Sadza to become more protein-rich.

How To Make Sadza Recipe?

Sadza recipe is a home recipe almost everyone in Zimbabwe cook at home. You can buy Sadza from local shops, but the easiest way is to make Sadza at home.


  • 1 cup of rice
  • 8 cups of water
  • ½ tsp salt (1 pepper to taste) or 1 tsp. salt
  • 4 tbsp. butter (optional)
  • 1 red onion (finely chopped, optional)
  • 1 tsp curry (optional)

Directions to cook:

Step-1. Tear up the rice into small pieces or grind in a mortar and pestle.

Step-2. Bring 8 cups of water and 1 tsp. salt to boil in a large pot

Step-3. Add ground rice to the boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes until the rice is cooked through.

Step-4. Meanwhile, grind the remaining ingredients together (with masher) in a mixing bowl, such as chickpea flour, baking soda, salt and pepper, until dough is formed.

Step-5. Add the dough flour to the rice once the rice is cooked.

Step 6. Gently mix everything slowly (with a spoon).

Step 7. Turn the burner off when some bubbles are visible on top of the mixture on the stove.

Step -8. Allow to cool for 5 mins and then serve with a side of vegetables or salad.

Nutrition Facts Of Sadza Recipe

One cup of Sadza recipe can provide

Calories: 200 kcal

Protein: 2 gm

Carbohydrates: 22 gm

Total carbohydrates: 24 gm

Fats: 3 gm

Fibre: 1gm

Sugars: 0gm

Iron : 0.5 mg (10% DV)

Vitamin A (IU): 17 IU (3%)-This is from 3 large eggs used to make the coating for the Sadza.

It is more than enough for the Sadza recipe dietary recommendation.

Why Is Sadza Healthy?

Sadza recipe is relatively healthy as it is made from rice, which contains more than just carbs. The recipes grain also contains fibre and some protein.

If you want to eat more vegetables and fewer grains, Sadza recipes can help you. By adding extra vegetables to make the Sadza more nutritious, you can benefit from all these recipe offers.

You can make this recipe with any vegetable you want. You can add your favourite vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes to enhance your Sadza dish.

What Are Sadza Recipe Health Benefits?

1. Has a high percentage of protein.

2. Filled with fibre.

3. Low in fat, making it a healthy snack.

4. It can be eaten hot as a side dish to other meals or eaten on its own.

5. You can use the Sadza recipe with other fish pieces like salmon or mackerel to make a healthy dish.

6. It makes for an excellent replacement for bread: you can cook Sadza and then eat it instead of bread.

7. The taste is very similar to Chapati from India, but with more flavour and a softer texture.

8. It can be prepared in about 20 minutes.

9. It is a traditional food for many people across the globe.

10. To make the recipes more interesting, combine them with fruit and nuts like raisins or walnuts.

Is It Good For Heart Patients?

Sadza recipes are full of fibre and protein, making them a healthy alternative to rice. It’s excellent for those recommended to eat healthy for heart problems.

Sadza recipes can be a good choice for heart patients as it is low in fat and high in fibre.

Is It Suitable For Weight Loss?

Sadza recipe is suitable for weight loss because it is low in fat. The formula also has high fibre content, making you feel fuller. Protein and fibre can help with weight loss.

Also, this recipe’s ingredients are naturally gluten-free means it’s low in calories, so you won’t be gaining weight by eating it.

Is It Good For Diabetes?

Many people on a diet to control diabetes will find this Sadza recipe healthy and helpful in maintaining your blood sugar levels.

Sadza recipes are high in fibre, which is a natural way to lower your blood sugar.

Dietary fibre can also help regulate glucose levels by slowing the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.

This gluten-free recipe will help diabetes patients by helping control the number of calories consumed.

The recipe’s ingredients are naturally gluten-free, so you won’t be consuming something with extra calories without even knowing it.


Sadza recipes are healthy and full of fibre. The Sadza recipe can be prepared in just 20 minutes, making it an excellent option for those who have time constraints.

Sadza fits well with a healthy lifestyle and will help you maintain a healthy diet for your body, especially if you are trying to lose weight or control your diabetes or heart problems.

If you have any questions about the Sadja recipe, please comment below.

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