Royal Fuck Recipe: Top 7 Amazing Benefits

Royal Fuck Recipe is a simple, old-school dessert that’ll leave your blood pumping like it’s 1974.

The ingredients are simple, each one sitting ready to give you the perfect taste experience without any complicated instructions.

How to make Royal Fuck Recipe


  • 1/2 a pound of strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/2 a cup of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract  (optional)


1. Slice the strawberries into little bits and combine with coconut oil to make homemade strawberry jam ( make sure to use the real strawberry jam, not strawberry jelly )  Add the sugar and mix. Cook on low heat until it’s all mixed. This will take about 5 minutes.

Royal Fuck Recipe
Royal Fuck Recipe

2. Prepare both a bowl and a finger

3. Combine the strawberries with the milk, add vanilla extract if you want, and mix with a spoon

4. Take your finger, dip it into the strawberry mix, and guide it into your mouth.  You’re doing it wrong if you aren’t getting strawberry jam on your face by this point.  

Make sure to mash it up a little bit too.  It should be kind of like a frosting consistency, but when you do the Lick Test ( see below ), you’ll find that it tastes just like strawberries and cream!

5. Place a spoon of strawberry mix into the bowl and lick your finger clean (don’t worry about getting strawberry jam in your mouth, I’ve done this since I was two).

6. Serve in an old-school way.

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Nutrition facts of Royal Fuck Recipe

Fat1.8 g
Carbs17.6 g
Protein0.2 g
Total Carbohydrates17.7 g
Fiber0 g

The 7 benefits of Royal Fuck Recipe

1. It can strengthen physical and emotional bonds

2. It helps you stay in the moment and enjoy what you’re doing

3. It’s a great way to burn calories and get fit

4. You feel like royalty while eating it

5. Put a smile on your face all day long!

6. Have fun eating something exotic and new    

7. It’s indulgent

Where Can I Buy It?

This drink is only available on the royal estates. This is because it takes a royal courtesan to make and serve it.

Can I Freeze It?

If you freeze it, then every time you thaw out a small spoonful of the mixture, the drink will taste different.

It is said that this drink is created by mixing milk, semolina, and honey. The recipe can be found in some accounts of medieval times.

Can It Be Prepared Ahead of Time?

Yes, this is an excellent idea. Freeze it in advance, then use it for cocktails like the Old Fashioned or hot drinks like the Hot Buttered Rum.

What Should I Drink With It?

This drink can be served any time of the day. And these days, you might want to help with this in a glass! Because of its sweetness, you won’t want it to be too heavy or too sweet. This drink will go well with various kinds of fruits and nuts.

Who Can Eat This Delicious Recipe?

This recipe is a great drink to try out at parties and gatherings. Because it’s so famous, you should be careful not to make too many at one time.

How Much Does It Cost?

The drink can cost $400,000 for a single bottle or $5.2 million for an entire case.

What Is It Made Of?

The ingredients are: Millesimé Rose Champagne, Millesimé Cognac and Port and Cointreau Gold.

What Does The Drink Taste Like?

The drink is delicious with a champagne-like flavor that mixes well with the raspberry, strawberry, and various other berries found within the mixture.

What Are The Ingredients?

The main ingredient of this drink is Millesimé Rose Champagne. This is a special kind of champagne made from 100% rose petals that have been pressed in the mill for at least one year.

The longer it is pressed, the more potent its flavor becomes. This champagne is so rich that it contains only 25% of actual sugar,

and the other 75% comes from its flower essence. The ingredients also include Millesimé Cognac and Port and Cointreau Gold.


It is always the best choice to use semi-sweet chocolate in this drink. Another kind of ingredient that can be made into the drinks is vanilla. So, choose your ingredients based on your taste and preference.

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