Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe: 10 Healthy benefits

Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe I recently took a trip to one of my favorite places in the world, Thailand. I knew I would be returning with more than just a few pictures and some great memories, but of course, I also wanted to bring back some new recipes to try.

When I returned to the United States, I found that the best stuff here is usually too spicy or tastes different than what we enjoy in Thailand. The last week of our trip was spent in Bangkok, where I strolled around markets and asked many people to look for some good new recipes.

They found some great ones, like this delicious Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe that I will be sharing with you today.

Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe
Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe

What Is Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe?

This is a great Curry Recipe that tastes like that of many Thai places. The vegan dish can be made with Daiya products, making it even more delicious! This recipe is so easy to make.

I love all of the flavors in this dish, but I must say that if you’re not a fan of curry and want to make this recipe, add more coconut milk (or water) along with the red curry paste milder.

How To Make Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe?

To make this recipe, you will need

  • 1 15 oz can pumpkin puree or 2 cups of fresh pumpkin puree
  • Juice of 1/2 lime
  • 2 tablespoons red curry paste (or mild curry paste)
  • 3 tablespoons red curry powder (make sure it is not hot stuff)
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar (I prefer dark brown sugar)
  • 6 cups of vegetable broth or water.
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (or water)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/2 medium onion – chopped.


Step 1

Add the curry paste, powder, brown sugar, and red curry sauce to a blender or food processor and mix well. You will want to ensure that the red curry sauce is blended up completely so that none is left in clumps. You can also add some salt and ground pepper if desired.

Step 2

Add olive oil and chopped onions to a large stockpot or a dutch oven. Cook on medium heat for about 5 minutes.

Step 3

Add the water/broth and then the red curry sauce mixture to the pot and bring to a boil. Stir it very well as you are bringing it to a boil.

Step 4: Cook on low heat for about 10 minutes.

Step 5: Add the pumpkin, coconut milk, and lime juice to the pot. Cover and cook for about 15 minutes.

Step 6

Pairs well with Jasmine rice! Notes * You can use canned pumpkin if you do not have pumpkin puree or fresh pumpkin. If using canned pumpkin, only use 1 can of the puree.

Also, add more water or coconut milk to make it more creamy in texture. This Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe is a simple, delicious, and healthy recipe that you must try soon! Enjoy!

Nutrition Fact Of Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe

Servings 4

Sugar 6.9gms
Protein 2.8 grams
Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe

10 Healthy Benefits Of Pumpkin Red Curry Recipe

1. Improves Vision

Pumpkin is an excellent source of Vitamin A and antioxidants, which protect the eye against free radicals and oxidative damage. It also helps in preventing macular degeneration and cataracts.

2. Boosts Brain Function

Pumpkin contains essential minerals such as manganese and copper and Vitamins E and B, which are powerful anti-inflammatory agents that protect against brain aging. Research shows that consuming pumpkins regularly can help improve memory and cognitive abilities.

3. Prevents Indigestion

Pumpkin is a great source of folic acid and fiber. Both help protect against stomach ulcers and Indigestion, as well as being digestive aids in the body.

4. Reduces Pain

Pumpkin contains anti-inflammatory antioxidants called carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which can reduce pain by reducing inflammation throughout the body.

5. Protects the Heart

Pumpkin is a great source of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects the heart by preventing blockages in blood vessels.

6. Improves Digestion

Pumpkin contains soluble fiber, which helps improve Digestion by sweeping food particles as it moves through your digestive system and croaking.

7. Boosts Energy

Pumpkin is low in calories and high in fiber, making it ideal for athletes who want to keep their weight down. Fiber also helps stabilize blood sugar levels and increase satiety, which may prevent overeating.

8. Protects Against Cancer

Pumpkin is a rich source of carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, both powerful dietary antioxidants that protect against cancer. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can also lower LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL cholesterol levels.

9. Promotes Heart Health

Pumpkin is an excellent source of Vitamin B6, which helps to promote heart health by reducing homocysteine levels in the blood. Research studies have shown that high homocysteine levels increase the risk of heart disease.

10. Detoxifies Your Body

Pumpkin contains 3 phytochemicals called cucurbitacins, which have been shown to attack cancer cells and slow tumor growth.

Can I Freeze It?

You can freeze this recipe! Place the cooked curry in a ziplock bag, let it cool to room temperature, and then freeze. The next time you want to enjoy it, take it out of the freezer and put it back into the fridge to thaw overnight. You can then heat it in a pot or pan.


I hope you have enjoyed this simple, delicious, and healthy Pumpkin Red curry recipe! I have a couple more recipes on my blog, which you can check out below. I hope you are having a great day, and thanks for stopping by!

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