Pan De Leche Recipe: 5 Amazing Serving Ideas

Pan de Leche recipe is a popular type of bread in Mexico, Central America, Colombia, and some parts of the Caribbean.

It is made from milk, flour, eggs, and baking powder. This delicious bread is denser than most European bread but can be eaten at any meal since it is not sweet.

How To Prepare Pan De Leche Recipe?

Follow these steps to prepare a cup of delicious Pan de Leche:


  • 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled
  • 1 ounce active yeast
  • 4 cups white flour
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast or 3 teaspoons
  • 1/2 pound butter or margarine
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon salt
  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Warm the milk with 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, stirring continuously until it is all dissolved. Combine the yeast and a cup of water in a large bowl and set aside for 5 minutes or until frothy.

Step 2: Mix 3 cups of flour into the yeast mixture, then add the rest of your flour and mix thoroughly. Add salt and butter. Stir in 4 beaten eggs. Mix well. Stir in the vanilla if using.

Step 3: Pour the batter into a well-greased loaf pan and place it in the oven. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour until golden brown.

Pan De Leche Recipe
Pan De Leche Recipe

Step 4: Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of water, place in a small bowl, and microwave for 30 seconds. Microwave again for another 10 seconds if desired. Add this mixture to your batter before pouring it on the loaf pan.

Step 5: Before taking the loaf out of the oven, let it sit for 10 minutes. If not removed from the pan, steam will rise and make a mess.

Step 6: The bread is ready to eat once cooled. Enjoy!

Nutritional Info

Servings Per Recipe: 15 Amount Per Serving

Total Fat19.6 g
Cholesterol116 mg
Sodium220 mg
Total Carbohydrate24.2 g
Dietary Fiber1.8 g
Protein4.9 g

Best 7 Health Benefits Of Pan De Leche Recipe

1. It is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a healthy snack.

2. It can be eaten as breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

3. It is easy to eat since its texture is softer than other types of bread.

4. It is inexpensive to prepare a great Pan de Leche recipe that you can eat every day without feeling guilty that you cannot afford a meal out at night with your family or friends.

5. It is a great type of bread for weight watchers since it is low in calories and high in fiber.

6. It does not require a lot of time to prepare since you will be able to eat it with other dishes quickly or by itself as soon as you take it out from the oven.

7. Since it is dense, Pan de Leche can be used for sandwiches too.

5 Amazing Serving Ideas

1. It can be used as a substitute for a slice of bread in sandwiches

2. It can be used to make pizza and quesadillas.

3. You can bake it and use it like breadcrumbs, a healthy snack.

4. You may sprinkle some sugar or cinnamon on it or add some chocolate or nuts if you want to give it an interesting flavor, although the flavor is already wonderful by itself!

Cooking Tips

1. When preparing the Pan de leche recipe, do not over mix the batter or end up with a sticky or pasty dough.

2. When making the batter, be sure not to make it too dry. If you do, add more water and flour to adjust its consistency before cooking it.

3. Be sure your oven is preheated properly before placing your prepared loaf in there so that it will bake evenly and thoroughly.

4. Use a small loaf pan if you try to cut down on fat.

Have Any Side Effects Of Pan De Leche Recipe?

Generally, Pan de Leche is very safe and has no side effects. However, it is always best to consult your doctor before embarking on a weight loss diet plan. Your doctor will advise and prescribe the most appropriate diet for you.

This will help avoid any damage to your body or side effects if you regularly use this bread as part of your weight loss diet plan.

Can I Freeze It?

Yes, you can. If you want to freeze your Pan de Leche recipe, it’s best to wrap it first in a paper towel and then place it into a plastic bag. This will keep its shape as well as its texture intact. You can also freeze the bread using this method.

Can Kids Eat Pan De Leche Recipe?

Pan de Leche is a great bread for kids to eat as well. Because it tastes similar to bread that adults enjoy, kids will not be attracted to it since they think it’s just another type of bread. The flavor is delicious, and the texture is perfect for children since it is soft and mushy.


Preparing a Pan de Leche recipe will be much easier than you think once you have all the ingredients and steps listed. Enjoy your bread and health!

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