Nui Xao Bo Recipe: Top 9 Healthy Nutrition

Nui Xao Bo Recipe is a local specialty from Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. This chicken dish is commonly served with steamed buns made of rice flour, water, and sugar to add a sweet touch.

Nui Xao Bo Recipe is known for its healthy qualities, light taste, nutrient-dense tomatoes, scallions, cilantro, and ginger.

Nui Xao Bo Recipe, or “thread goose” in Vietnamese, refers to the ladder-like structure of uncooked chicken strips.

The original dish is made with various ingredients, including chicken skin, egg white, vinegar, soy sauce, and salt. The dish was first introduced to Vietnam by the Chinese.

How To Make Nui Xao Bo Recipe?


  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 piece of scallion
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • Green onion to garnish
  • Rice flour to coat chicken strips


1. Wash and cut the tomatoes, ginger, and scallions into tiny squares. Clean the chicken skin thoroughly, then make thin layers by threading them with a needle.

2. Heat a pan on a medium fire and pour in oil once it’s hot enough. Fry the chicken till golden brown, then drain it on paper towels.

3. Put the tomatoes, ginger, scallions, and fish sauce into a pan and bring it to a boil for about 3 minutes.

Nui Xao Bo Recipe
Nui Xao Bo Recipe

4. Pour some rice flour into the boiling mixture to thicken it up, then pour the chicken strips back in along with a little bit of pepper.

5. Dish out in pretty plates and complete with cilantro to garnish. Serve with steamed buns with sugar sprinkled on top.

6. Nui Xao Bo Recipe is suitable for vegetarians and vegans and is also great for people with diabetes, hypertension, or cholesterol.

7. This dish is a typical Vietnamese/Vietnamese-Chinese fusion dish and tastes great with steamed rice.

Nutrition Facts Of Nui Xao Bo Recipe

The serving size of the Nui Xao Bo Recipe is equal to 3 ounces.

This meal has fewer calories than other dishes made with the same ingredients. This is due to the absence of oil in cooking.

How much cholesterol is in this meal?

Nui Xao Bo Recipe has 24 milligrams of cholesterol per serving, which is lower than the recommended amount for a typical person.

Nui Xao Bo Recipe is rich in Vitamin C and various minerals, including iron and calcium. This dish is low in sodium, which is always a good thing.

How much protein does this meal provide?

This dish provides 29 grams of protein per serving, which is a lot more than most people need in a day.

How much fiber is in this meal?

Nui Xao Bo Recipe contains 2 grams of fiber per serving. Fiber helps to lower cholesterol and also aids in digestion, along with making you feel full after eating, so you don’t eat more than what you need to.

The 9 Healthy Nutrition Of Nui Xao Bo Recipe

Nui Xao Bo Recipe is on the higher side for some nutrients, but it still falls within government recommendations for a healthy diet.

1. Calories: This dish has fewer calories than most other dishes using the same ingredients.

2. Fat: The main fat in Nui Xao Bo Recipe is saturated fat, the highest amount of fat in this meal. Saturated fat can increase your LDL cholesterol and lower your HDL cholesterol levels, making you more at risk of heart disease.

3. Sodium: A serving of this dish has 480 milligrams of sodium. This is the exact amount recommended by the government, but it is high for people with hypertension or those looking to lose weight.

4. Protein: One Nui Xao Bo Recipe serving provides 29 grams of protein. Protein is essential to build and repair body tissues and helps to keep blood sugar levels in balance.

5. Cholesterol: A serving of Nui Xao Bo Recipe provides 24 milligrams of cholesterol. This amount is lower than the recommended cholesterol intake.

6. Fibre: The fiber in this meal is 2 grams per serving, which is lower than the government’s recommendation of 25 grams. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber.

The soluble type is found in vegetables and fruits, while insoluble fiber comes from oats, whole wheat products, beans, peas, and psyllium husk powder.

7. Carbohydrates: This dish contains 10 grams of carbohydrates per serving. The main source of carbohydrates in this meal is rice flour, which also contains lipid-binding agents that can help to lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure levels in the body.

8. Vitamin C: A serving of Nui Xao Bo Recipe contains 71 milligrams of vitamin C, more than the recommended intake.

9. Vitamin A: One serving of this dish contains 3 milligrams of vitamin A.

How Healthy Is Nui Xao Bo Recipe?

This dish has many vitamins and minerals and is low in calories, which makes it a healthy meal choice. It is also a high source of protein and fiber, promoting weight loss and providing a feeling of fullness so you don’t overeat.

This dish also has low cholesterol and sodium, which are great for people with hypertension or those aiming to lose weight because both will lower your risk of developing heart disease or stroke.


  • You can use any chicken skin you like when making Nui Xao Bo Recipe. If you choose skinless chicken, then use egg white. However, if you choose skinless chicken, then use egg yolk.
  • Nui Xao Bo Recipe works great for a quick meal on a busy weeknight when you’re too tired to cook. You can make the dish ahead of time and refrigerate it until you’re ready to eat it. This way, the dish will be ready when you are without spending hours in the kitchen.
  • Whole chicken breast can be used instead of chicken skin if you prefer that kind of meat.
  • Garlic can be used instead of shallots if you prefer.
  • If you’re in a hurry, this dish can also be served with sugar cane.

Can I Freeze It?

Yes, you can freeze this dish. However, if it is frozen for more than 3 months, you should not eat it because the dish will have become spoiled.  

What Can I Replace The Egg Yolk With?

If you don’t have egg yolk on hand or if you want to make a lighter version of this recipe, then use soy sauce instead. You can add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce in place of one egg yolk, which will improve the taste of this dish.

Is It Healthy?

This dish is fairly healthy. It has lower calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol than most other dishes using the same ingredients. It has high fiber content, which reduces cholesterol levels in the body and also helps to keep blood sugar levels in balance.

This dish is also a good source of protein, which builds and repairs body tissues and keeps blood sugar levels in balance.

Additional Tips

  1. This meal will help you lose weight if you replace the egg yolk with soy sauce in this recipe.
  2. You can use skinless chicken if you don’t like using chicken skin. However, it would help if you replaced the egg white with a half cup of starch.
  3. You can also add ginger and garlic to make this dish tastier.
  4. You can make a healthier version of this dish by using chicken breast.
  5. This dish will help you lose weight if you replace the egg yolk with soy sauce in this recipe.


Nui Xao Bo Recipe is a great recipe to try to lose weight. It’s very tasty, and you’ll love the filling feeling it will give you after eating it. It is a healthier version of the original dish also delicious.

This recipe has lower calories, cholesterol, and saturated fat compared to most other dishes using the same ingredients. This dish also has high fiber content, which helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and keep blood sugar levels in balance.

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