Linda Sun Pancake Recipe: 9 Amazing Nutrition Facts

My favorite pancake recipe is the Linda Sun Pancake Recipe. It was passed to me by my mom, who learned it from her friend Linda Sun.

I make sure to make these pancakes every time I have friends over for breakfast because they are so good! You can find the recipe below.

Linda Sun Pancake Recipe is delicious and healthy. If you want a delicious breakfast, then Linda Sun Pancake Recipe is the right choice for you. Linda Sun Pancake Recipe is very easy to make.

Linda Sun Pancake Recipe is a very good dish to try at home if you want to cook a delicious and healthy pancake recipe, as this pancake recipe has been passed to me by my mom, who learned it from her friend Linda Sun.

How To Prepare Linda Sun Pancake Recipe?

For the Linda Sun Pancake Recipe, you need to take all the ingredients in the right proportion.


  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 2 egg
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 4 tablespoon of butter
  • 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoon of finely chopped green onion


1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients for the batter. For the stock, use low heat, as you do not want to boil the stock.

2. Add water to make it as thick as pancake batter.

Linda Sun Pancake Recipe
Linda Sun Pancake Recipe

3. Season with salt, pepper and leave for 30 minutes.

4. Heat a skillet and grease with oil or butter.

5. Add some butter to the skillet and cook it for 5 minutes on one side or until golden brown.

6. Flip over and cook for 2 minutes.

7. Serve with maple syrup.

Nutrition Facts Of Linda Sun Pancake Recipe

  1. Calories from Fat 114 %
  2. Total Fat 12 g 17 %
  3. Saturated Fat 5 g 25 %
  4. Trans Fat 0 g Cholesterol 179 mg 60 %
  5. Sodium 472 mg 21 %  
  6. Sugar 4 g
  7. Protein 3 g 6
  8. Carbohydrates 18 g   (mg)
  9. Dietary Fiber 1 g  

How To Make More Delicious?

There are many ways to make Linda Sun Pancake Recipe more delicious. You can add some kind of fruit to it, like red apples or blueberries.

You can also add vanilla, cinnamon, and powdered sugar to it. You can use this pancake recipe as a dessert, try adding chocolate chips and make chocolate pancakes like the master chef’s late wife did.

Or you could just serve the pancake with some eggs or sausage and make it into a breakfast sandwich.

Can Heart Patient Eat this Linda Sun Pancake Recipe?

Yes, you can. This recipe is low in cholesterol and fat as this recipe has been passed to me by my mom, who learned it from her friend Linda Sun.

Breast Feeding Women Can Eat Linda Sun Pancake Recipe?

Yes, you can. This recipe is an excellent source of:  


This recipe has 2 grams of fiber.

Vitamin A

This recipe has 0% of your daily recommended value.


This recipe has 3 grams of protein in it.


This recipe has 0% of your daily recommended value. You can use Linda Sun Pancake Recipe for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week, so you will have plenty to eat during the week.

The Bottom Line

You can definitely eat Linda Sun Pancake Recipe if you want to treat yourself on any special occasion, as this dish is a very good option for you to treat your loved one on any special occasion.

Linda Sun Pancake Recipe is delicious and healthy. I make sure to make these pancakes every time I have friends over for breakfast because they are so good! You can cook Linda Sun Pancake Recipe easily at home.

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