Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe: 9 Health Benefits

Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe, a classic Cantonese dish, is very popular in Hong Kong. It consists of fish balls, mashed potatoes, and hot sauce.

This recipe calls for fish paste as a filling, but I have replaced it with minced potato, making the texture much softer and smoother.

The flavor is yummy, and it’s the ability to make an appearance at any dinner party.

How to make Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe


  • 12 pieces of soft fish paste (can be replaced with minced potato)
  • 2 tbsps water
  • 1/3 cup + 2 tsp water
  • 2 potatoes, peeled, boiled, and mashed well


1. Dissolve corn starch in 1/3 cup of water. Add the minced fish into a bowl.

2. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir with a fork to combine well. Add beaten egg in, stir again until combined well.

3. Add water to the mashed potato and mix thoroughly.

4. Place the minced fish mixture in a ball and pinch the edges with fingers. Use a small amount of water to shape into a ball, wash again with water in between,

and make sure it is not sticky. Bring out of the bowl by tucking your fingers underneath, squeezing any excess liquid.

5. Put half of the mashed potato filling into the center of the fishball and bring it together with your hands to form a round shape.

6. Steam for 10 mins on high heat.

7. Heat oil to deep fry the fish balls for 5-8 mins at 180C.

8. Dish out and serve hot with curry sauce!

Nutrition facts of Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe

Calories170 kcal
Fat11 g
Carbohydrates14 g
Proteins4 g
Sodium859 mg

9 Health Benefits of Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe

1. Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe are rich in protein and contain omega 3 fatty acids that are good for your heart and brain. The two components found in fish paste also help keep the blood pressure low,

Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe
Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe

which is an additional benefit for those suffering from hypertension. Combining the two components makes fish balls a good source of omega 3.

2. Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe may have health benefits for those who have diabetes. Fish is known to regulate blood sugar and insulin so that it can benefit people with diabetes.

Fish also contains Selenium, a trace mineral that is important for the body’s ability to make healthy hormones, especially testosterone.

3. Fish balls are also rich in zinc, have antioxidant properties, and are good for the skin. It is also used in the treatment of acne.

4. Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe are low in fat and high in protein, so they can be good for people who want to lose weight. The high protein content also makes fish balls a good choice for vegetarians.

5. Fish balls are easy to find and relatively inexpensive, so they can be a good source of protein for those who want to eat more vegetarian food.

6. Fish balls are also gluten-free, so they can be a good choice for those who have celiac disease.

7. Fishballs can help to rid the body of toxins. A 2003 study found that fish balls helped increase the amount of vitamin C in people’s blood by 3.1% — a tremendous addition for any organ of the body.

8. Fish balls are also low in sodium, so they can be a good choice for those who want to live healthier and less stressed lives.

9. Fish balls contain good fats, making them suitable for treating skin problems like eczema and dry skin.

Can I Freeze It?

Yes, Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe is safe to freeze fish balls. The best storage time is when frozen to -20 degrees Celsius. Do not refreeze them, or they could be destroyed.

How long does the Fish Ball keep for?

Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe will keep for 2 weeks in your fridge. z

Can I use the frozen fish ball for Dim Sum?

Yes, Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe is possible to use the frozen fish balls for dim sum; thaw them first. However, you may notice that the texture of the fishball is different from that of making fresh fish balls. It may be softer and smaller. But it will still taste great!

Is it Healthy?

Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe is nutritious for many reasons. Fish is very high in protein; one 50g serving gives you over 8g of protein.

It is also a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids and selenium, an important mineral to support heart health. Selenium is also vital for the production of testosterone, a hormone that is an essential contributor to male fertility and maintaining overall health.

Is It Gluten-Free?

Yes. Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe are gluten-free and can be enjoyed by those with celiac disease or gluten-intolerant.

The fried fish balls taste good, and the curry sauce that goes alongside works very well with them! I usually eat them with rice, but you can also eat them without rice since it is very filling.

Is It Suger-Free?

Yes. Fish balls are free from sugar because they are made with fish paste.

Are They Low in Fat?

Yes. Fish balls are low in fat and contain no cholesterol. They can be beneficial for those who want to lose weight since the high protein content is filling and will make them feel fuller, faster, and longer!

Is It Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes. Fish balls are suitable to eat during pregnancy because they do not contain mercury and other chemicals that could harm the fetus.


Hk Style Curry Fish Ball Recipe are one of my favorite dishes. I love to eat them while enjoying our dinner or at dim sum. You can also freeze the fish ball and use it anytime you like.

This recipe is easy to make and an affordable meal for you and your family. Hope you enjoy it!

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