Whole Grilled Pompano Recipe || 5 Amazing Serving Ideas

The grilled pompano recipe is a tasty and easy way to prepare grilled fish. This recipe calls for an abundance of spices you may already have, like oregano, rosemary, thyme, paprika, cumin, and cinnamon.

This dish also has plenty of vegetables to make this a healthy option as well. It’s important to know that pompano is not the same as any other fish because they are covered in scales instead of ichthyosis.

So, before you make the grilled fish, you will need to clean the fish. You can do this by removing the head and scales. Then it would help if you sliced off the fins because they will make it difficult to grill. The next step is to remove all of the viscera from inside the fish and wash it thoroughly with water because there will be oils that will cause it to stick to your grill.

How to prepare a Grilled pompano recipe?

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Serves: 4

Grilled Pompano Recipe
Grilled Pompano Recipe

Ingredients for Grilled pompano recipe:

  • 4 x 2-pound pompano, cleaned and cut into 1/2-inch steaks
  • 3 tablespoons coarsely ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin

Method for Grilled pompano recipe:

Step 1: In a small bowl, mix the pepper, paprika, salt, and cumin. Generously season both sides of each piece of fish with the mixture. Allow sitting at room temperature while you prepare your grill.

Step 2: Heat your grill to medium-high.

Step 3: Place the fish on the grill and cook until browned, about five minutes per side.

Step 4: Serve.

Grilled Pompano Recipe

Nutrition facts of Grilled pompano recipe:

  • Calories:132;
  • Total Fat: 6g;
  • Saturated Fat: 1g;
  • Cholesterol: 55mg;
  • Sodium: 397mg;
  • Total Carbohydrates: 1g;
  • Dietary Fiber 0g.

If you love recipes like this, you might also enjoy this Grilled pompano recipe.

It is an easy and delicious way to prepare grilled pompano. You can make one and serve it with a side of vegetables or enjoy it all by yourself by cooking the fish with your favorite flavors.

5 Amazing Serving Ideas for Grilled pompano recipe

1. Serve the grilled fish with one scoop of white rice and a side of vegetables. Since the fish is in an original sauce, you might want to add more seasoning to your vegetables to make them more flavorful.

2. Enjoy this recipe by eating a piece of fresh pineapple with each bite of the grilled fish.

3. You can also serve this recipe with a salad for a well-balanced meal or lunch on its own if you’re not feeling too hungry.

4. For dinner, you can enjoy this recipe with a bowl of soup or a fresh vegetable salad.

5. You can also serve this recipe with pasta or bread to sop up some of the sauce.

About fish:

Fish is low in saturated fat and cholesterol but is high in dietary fiber and Omega-3 Fatty acids. Fish is lean, but not all fish is created equal. Most fish varieties are high in protein, iron, and calcium. They also contain a perfect blend of amino acids, making them perfect for athletes or gym enthusiasts.

Most seafood varieties are a great source of protein as they contain all the essential amino acids like Arginine and Lysine, which are both rich in Omega-3 Fatty acids.

Do you leave the skin on pompano?

No, you will not need to leave the skin on pompano. The skin looks good, but it is not very tasty and is pretty tough. It’s better to remove the skin before cooking.

How long does grilled fish stay hot?

Hot food should be served immediately, never let it sit for long periods, or it will start to cool down and cook further.

How do you squeeze out the oil from pompano?

There are a few ways you can use to squeeze out the oil. You can:

  • Cook the fish with other vegetables or herbs and scrape on a few teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • Add some vinegar to it before roasting the pompano to remove all of the oil.
  • Place it on a rack in a 300-degree oven for about 15 minutes, then turn on the broiler. Watch it carefully, and when the skin starts to turn black, turn the fish over.

Lemon juice will also help to remove all the oil from the pompano.

Can you eat the skin of a Pompano fish?

Yes, you can eat the skin of a pompano fish. You can easily remove it before cooking or after when eating them.

What oil should I use for cooking Grilled pompano?

Coconut oil is a great choice as it brings a nice flavor to any dish. It has a saturated fat content of 82%, while coconut oil is not high in cholesterol and saturated fats.

How do you eat a whole pompano?

Most fish varieties are easy to eat whole, but you need to know how to prepare them before trying. You can cook it whole and eat it.

Another option is to cut the fish into large chunks and then remove the skin and bones from each piece until you have a clean chunk of meat.

Finally, you could cook the fish with the skin on and then remove the skin at serving time. You can also leave it on until serving if you prefer this option because it makes them look very attractive.


The grilled pompano recipe is a healthy dish you can enjoy with your loved ones in front of the fireplace on a cold winter day. The dish has a mild flavor and is very easy to prepare. You can enjoy it by itself or with all the vegetables. If you are looking for something different to eat, then the Grilled pompano recipe is one of the best choices for you.

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