Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian: Best 9 Health Benefits Of Eat

The fish head curry recipe Malaysian is one of my favorite dishes. It has so many different flavors and textures. I usually make it in the crockpot, but you need to know that this is not a curry from the traditional British sense of the word.

Instead, it’s more like a curry but with a unique flavor profile and mostly seafood ingredients. It can be eaten on its own as a main meal but is also great for sharing with people who want to eat a more substantial dish.

It’s great for casual meals or if you have friends over. The recipe also makes a lot, so you can probably even freeze some of it and make it when needed.

Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian
Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian

I usually make this dish when I have friends over because there is always enough for everyone to have some.

How To Make Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian?

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 4


  • 1 fish
  • 3 tsp tamarind paste
  • 800 ml water
  • 8 garlic clove(s)
  • 3 shallot(s) 
  • 10 chili peppers (dried)
  • 50 g curry powder
  • 1 cm ginger
  • 1 1⁄2 tbsp rice
  • 4 tbsp oil
  • 1⁄2 tbsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp fenugreek seeds
  • 1 curry leaves stalk(s)
  • 1 yellow onion(s)
  • 1 aubergine (Indian)
  • 6 ladies’ fingers
  • 2 tomato(es)
  • 1⁄2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp salt


1. Cut fish, onion, and aubergine into 1-inch cubes. Wash curry leaves, lady’s fingers, and tomatoes. Peel ginger.

2. Grind curry leaves, chili peppers, shallots, garlic, and ginger to a paste in a grinder or food processor. Heat oil in a frying pan or wok on medium-high heat. Add mustard seeds, and when they start to pop, add fenugreek seeds, then curry leaves, followed by the grounded paste from step 2.

3. Add sugar and salt to the water and stir until sugar dissolves.

4. Add water, tamarind paste, and rice to the frying pan and stir well (or add the mixture to a pressure cooker in steps 4-5).

5. Add the fish pieces, stir again, and add the aubergine.

6. Let the curry simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

7. Chop up the ladies’ fingers and add them to the curry.

8. After 20 minutes, add the tomato sauce, salt, and sugar. Stir well every 15 minutes until it simmers for one hour and 30 minutes.

9. Add the can of condensed milk, then stir for another 30 minutes until rice is nicely cooked (or if using a pressure cooker, cook until rice is soft).

10. Serve immediately with chapati or naan bread or mix into some curries (like chicken curry).

Nutrition Facts Of Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian

  • Calories: 623
  • Total Fat: 54 g
  • Saturated Fat: 12 g
  • Cholesterol: 143 mg
  • Sodium: 1,945 mg
  • Potassium: 2,173 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 48 g
  • Sugars: 20 g
  • Protein: 18 g  

Best 9 Health Benefits Of Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian

1. Prevents cardiovascular diseases

2. It doesn’t contain saturated fat, making it healthier than regular curries.

3. Contains high levels of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which are vital for heart health.

4. Contains betaine, an alkaloid that is found in fresh garlic that works wonders to prevent atherosclerosis.

5.. Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, which help promote a healthy immune system and improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys.  

6. It lowers cholesterol which is a major contributor to heart diseases.

7. Contains high protein levels, which helps maintain muscle mass and boosts our bodies’ immune systems.

8. It is a great means to ensure that our brains are supplied with nutrients and water, improving memory, and concentration, reducing anxiety, and improving mood swings.

9. It May help reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death by about 29%.

Can I Freeze Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian?

Yes, you can freeze them but not all at once, or if you do freeze them, it will take longer to defrost. If you wish to freeze the curry, divide the recipe into portions for a week and freeze them in freezer-safe containers.

You can also freeze it in portions for several months by first freezing it in jars and then transferring the frozen portions back into their original containers.

How To Store?

If you are not going to serve it right away, you can store the curry in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, but you will have to make it fresh before serving.


1.    This recipe is suitable for a slow cooker or a pressure cooker.

2. Make sure that you choose firm fish when making this curry.

3. This curry is unsuitable for reheating because the fish tends to get soggy and lose its texture.

Is Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian Good For Everybody?

Yes, it is healthy and low in fat, making it a great choice for everyone. It is also a good alternative to over-the-counter medicated drugs because of its natural ingredients.

Is Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian Gluten-Free?

Yes, if you choose the right ingredients, it is gluten-free. It doesn’t mention wheat or gluten in the ingredients, but if you are allergic to fish, it is not suitable for you.

Are There Any Side Effects?

If you have very little experience eating Asian cuisine, especially spicy ones, then it can affect your digestive system and give you an upset stomach.

If this happens, then remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. People who are allergic to fish or have a very delicate digestive system might find this recipe too spicy.

Is Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian Sugar Free?

Although we use sugar to give it a sweet taste, it contains very little sugar, so you don’t have to worry about consuming too much.

Is Fish Head Curry Recipe Malaysian Dairy-Free?

Yes, and because it uses water instead of milk or yogurt, it also helps if you are lactose intolerant.


I hope you enjoyed my fish head curry recipe malaysian. This is an amazing dish for a special occasion and is suitable for all ages. It tastes really good, and I have tried it both at home and in restaurants.

I am going to have to try this recipe again soon, as I have a few friends coming over, so I better make a lot of it before they arrive.

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