Best 6 Freezing Ideas Of Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe

Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe is a crab cake recipe popular in Maryland. It traditionally includes crab, cornmeal, seasoning, and buttermilk.

Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe
Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe

The original recipe was created by Faidley Seafood, selling them for over 100 years. The important thing about this recipe is that it takes time to make a good crab cake!

How to make Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe


  • 1 pound mixed crab meat with cartilage and shell
  • 1 cup yellow cornmeal
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice or paprika Pinch cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 4 egg whites, lightly beaten
  • 4 tablespoons buttermilk


1. Pick out all the pieces of crab meat from the shell. Place in a large bowl with the seasonings and mix well.

2. Place the mixture into a large Ziploc bag and squish out any air pockets.

3. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to allow the crab meat to absorb the seasonings.

4. Preheat an electric skillet to medium-high heat (about 350 degrees).  If you don’t have a grill, you can use a nonstick skillet or flat-bottom grill plate on your stovetop or gas grill.

5. Remove the crab cake mixture from Ziploc. Mix lightly. Form cakes by 1/4 cup on the hot griddle. Let cook for about 5 minutes per side, or until golden brown.

6. Mix the buttermilk and eggs in a small bowl, and brush crab cakes as they cook.

7. Serve on a toasted bun with a bit of horseradish sauce or tartar sauce if desired.

Nutrition facts of Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe

Total Fat12 g
Saturated Fat2 g
Protein29 g
Cholesterol105 mg
Carbohydrate3 g
Fiber3 g

Health Benefits of Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe

The crab in Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s help reduce inflammation; therefore are beneficial for those with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, such as ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, and Crohn’s disease.

The crab’s nutrients also help fight against cancer because it contains selenium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. It is also a good source of protein and phosphorus.

Best 6 Freezing Ideas of Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe

1. Prepare the Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe and cook until golden brown. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, freeze and then transfer to freezer bags.

2. Heat frozen crab cakes in a toaster oven, microwave, or regular oven for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

3. Prepare a casserole dish by greasing it with coconut oil, place frozen crab cakes in the container and bake in your preheated oven for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

4. Prepare a baking dish by greasing it with coconut oil, place frozen crab cakes in the container and bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for about 20 minutes.

5. Prepare the Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe and cook until golden brown. Freeze the cooked crab cakes and then reheat them in your toaster oven for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees or until warmed through.

6. Prepare the Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe and cook until golden brown. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, freeze and then transfer to freezer bags.

History of Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe

The original Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe was created by Charles and John Faidley, who owned a seafood business in Baltimore. It continues to be sold in their restaurant and online.

Due to its long history of success, the recipe has been modified over the years. Most notably, it no longer contains eggs or pickles. The crab cakes are still featured on their menu under “Most Popular Item.

Price In Faidleys Crab Cake Recipe

According to the price list at Faidley’s Seafood, every single crab cake is $9.99. They are served with a choice of homemade chowders or potato salad.

This is a pretty good deal if you ask me! As it turns out, the restaurant is conveniently located in  Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, so if you can get down there for dinner, you can also order from their menu online or order it mailed to your home.

Is It Healthy For Pregnant Women?

Faidley’s Crab Cake Recipe is good for pregnant women as it doesn’t contain any added hormones. It is also very nutritious, which is why I think it’s a great child-rearing choice!

Faidley Seafood Crab Cake Recipe Reviewed by Healthier Plate on July 15, 2016. Faidleys Traditional Maryland Style Crab Cake Recipe This crab cake recipe tastes delicious.  It is easy to make, low in fat, and high in protein.

Does It Contain Trans Fat?

This recipe does not contain trans fat and is considered healthy for pregnant women.

Does It Contain MSG?

This recipe does not contain MSG, but since it relies on spices, you should avoid eating too much if you are sensitive to it.

Is It Healthy For Diabetics?

While this crab cake recipe is low in fat, it is high in protein.  So people with diabetes should keep a close eye on their sugar levels after eating any high-protein food.

The Bottom Line

Faidley Seafood Crab Cake Recipe is made with tough yet low-calorie crab meat.  Giving it a touch of flavor makes it the perfect pairing to creamy flavors such as horseradish and tartar sauce.  

If you have the time and desire to make your crab cakes, I encourage you to try this one!

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