Perfect 5 Serving Ideas Of Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe

This is the original recipe for Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe. It has been passed down from generation to generation and is featured on the original packaging.

The recipe was adapted and updated in 2017 with a new vegan option. The ingredients are simple to find at any grocery store, making it easier than ever to whip up this coconutty delight.

This cake will wow your friends and family in a few easy steps. It separates easily, making it perfect for gifting. You can make the entire recipe in one bowl or use a pastry blender to break the mixture into crumbs.

How to make Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe


  • 2 cans of Doan’s coconut milk (Not the one with water in it!)
  • 1 box of yellow cake mix, prepared
  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream, whipped into soft peaks


1. Set out one 9″x13″ cake pan. In a large bowl, mix the cake according to the box’s directions.

2. Batter should be fairly thick – batter should stick to a wooden spoon when turned over. Using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, spread the batter into a cake pan. Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes (do not bake yet).

3. Meanwhile, make the topping according to can instructions. You can use either of our topping options:

4. Remove cake from the refrigerator. Spread topping evenly on top of the cake and return to the fridge for 30 minutes.

5. Remove from refrigerator and remove the top layer of plastic wrap, leaving the bottom layer around the pan.

6. Bake in a 350-degree oven at 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean

7. Let cool completely, then cover with a second layer of plastic wrap (this is important to frost it). Refrigerate overnight or at least 8 hours to let the flavor bloom.

8. To obtain a clean right-side-up cake, invert the pan on a large platter. Hold the bottom of the pan and gently shake to flip the cake over. Frost as desired.

9. Spread coconut flakes evenly over frosting. Serve chilled!

Nutrition facts of Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe

Carbs43 g
Sugar25 g
Protein4 g
Fiber1 g
Sodium283 mg

Health Benefits of Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe

Having a good source of omega 3 fatty acids can provide many benefits to your health, such as fighting inflammation, decreasing your risk of heart disease, and becoming smarter. Our recipes are just right for you to get a good dose of these healthy fats.

Doan's Coconut Cake Recipe
Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe

Folate is an essential nutrient that the body needs to rid itself of harmful free radicals and other types of radiation. It has been shown through scientific studies that being low on folate can lead to depression and other mental illnesses.

Perfect 5 Serving Ideas of Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe

Step 1. Prepare your favorite vegan or dairy-free frosting. We like to use Earth Balance’s Coconut Spreadable Butter or Vegan Cream Cheese Frosting.

Step 2. Pour the frosting in the center of the cake and spread it across the top and sides with a spatula or spreading knife.

Step 3. Top with coconut flakes, chocolate shavings, or chopped walnuts.

Step 4. Drizzle the remaining frosting on top of the cake and around the outside of the cake. You can use a different topping if you prefer.

Step 5. Serve chilled and enjoy!

Is It Suitable For Diabetic Patients?

Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe is a low-carb dessert. Low carb diets can benefit insulin-resistant individuals and diabetics, but it is important to maintain diet variety.

The saturated fat in this recipe will keep you full longer and keep blood sugar levels steady throughout the day.

Whether It’s A Healthy Dessert?

Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe can be eaten as a healthy dessert. Some people choose to have coconut cake just for the creaminess, while others like watching their blood sugar levels.

This is a great recipe to try if you’re watching your blood sugar levels and looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth without the carbs!

Is It Suitable For Kids?

If you’re making this recipe for kids, you’ll need to ensure that the kids can eat the whole thing without help.

If they do have help, they may not finish it. The fruit topping makes up a large portion of this cake and can be tempting to small children.

How Much Should You Eat Per Day?

This recipe provides a lot of calories. You should keep your portion size in mind when eating this dessert. It would help if you were careful that the amount you eat wouldn’t cause weight gain.

Is It A Low-Fat Dessert?

There is a good amount of saturated fat in this recipe. Saturated fat can clog your arteries and raise your cholesterol levels. Because this cake is prepared with animal fat, it isn’t necessarily a “healthy” dessert.

How Long To Cook?

It takes less than an hour to make this recipe, which is very convenient for those who need to prepare desserts that are fast to fix and have high appeal.

Can I Freeze It?

You can freeze this cake if you choose not to eat it right away. The texture will be a little different when you eat it, but the taste will still be the same. You may have some frosting leftover if you’re making a whole cake for yourself as well.

Is It Gluten-Free?

This recipe is made up of ingredients that don’t contain gluten. However, the cake mix may contain gluten. You’ll need to read the label of your cake mix to be sure that it doesn’t contain gluten.

How Can You Speed It Up?

You can speed up this recipe by using Doan’s Original Coconut Milk or our delicious Doan’s Original coconut milk beverage instead of mixing 2 cans of coconut milk. They are available in most supermarkets, convenience stores, and gas stations.

The Bottom Line

Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe of this recipe is a delicious and satisfying coconut cake that you can enjoy at any time, even if it’s just for a special occasion!

The taste and texture are like a freshly baked French pastry. This recipe is surprisingly easy to make and only requires a few ingredients.

You don’t need any baking experience if you follow the instructions carefully. Whether it’s a healthy dessert or just your sweet tooth satisfied, Doan’s Coconut Cake Recipe will satisfy your palette! Let us know how you like it through the comment section below.

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