Curry Chicken Foot Recipe: 5 best variation

Curry Chicken Foot Recipe Is the most exotic and authentic recipe. Mix the chicken feet with the garlic paste and chicken broth in a bowl.

Then let it simmer on low heat in the saucepan for five minutes to achieve the best flavors. To make curry powder, grind some cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks, clove; black peppercorns in a blender or spice mill until it becomes even powdery. Then add it to boiling chicken feet.

Curry Chicken Foot Recipe
Curry Chicken Foot Recipe

What Is the Curry Chicken Foot Recipe?

Now add a teaspoon of curry powder to the chicken feet liquid. And so it goes until the entire amount of curry powder is finished. Then stir everything together very well and sit on the stove for 25 minutes.

After that, add the salt, tomatoes, vegetable oil, green chilies, and some cilantro leaves to this chicken feet recipe and cooks it for another 10 minutes. If you like spicy food, you can add more heat by adding more green chili peppers.

How To Prepare Curry Chicken Foot Recipe?

Curry Chicken Foot Recipe is the most exotic and authentic recipe today. Because it is easiest to make, just put all the ingredients together.


  • 1 pound of chicken feet (4-5 servings)
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic paste
  • 2 cups of chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon of curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Two tablespoons of coriander seeds, peppercorns, and cinnamon sticks, crushed into small pieces or powder.


Step 1. Remove the chicken feet’ skin, if any, and discard. Then wash the chicken feet thoroughly.

Step 2. Place the chicken feet and garlic paste in a bowl. Add chicken broth into it, then put it in a saucepan. Please put it on medium heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes until the aroma of this curry chicken foot recipe starts to arise from the mixture.

Step 3. Add curry powder and stir well for 1 minute now and then to achieve a good flavor.

Step 4. Then add salt, tomatoes, vegetable oil, and cilantro leaves.

Step 5. Cook on low heat for another 10 minutes until the curry chicken foot goes well-cooked.

Step 6. Serve the curry chicken feet with some white rice or Indian flatbread.

Nutrition Facts Of Curry Chicken Foot Recipe

Serving Size: 1 cup

Nutrition Amount

5 best variation Of Curry Chicken Foot Recipe

1. Kecap Manis (Sweet Soy Sauce) This curry chicken foot recipe tastes good. You can add more flavor to it by adding Kecap Manis.

2. Garlic is the easiest way to season your curry chicken feet for extra taste. Add one-third of garlic cloves to this recipe, and you will love this dish even more because the garlic adds its natural flavor and aroma.

3. Ginger The ginger root has a more fresh taste in cooking than other spices such as cardamom or clove. Add one tablespoon of grated ginger root to this recipe. Your favorite curry chicken foot recipe is ready to serve.

4. Green Chilies The green chilies in this recipe are very spicy, so if you want a milder taste, you will dare not add too much of them. Just use one tablespoon of green chilies for every curry chicken feet recipe.

5. Tomatoes Tomatoes can add a unique taste. You can use one tablespoon of tomato paste with each curry chicken foot recipe serving.

How Long Will It Take To Prepare?

The preparation time of the curry chicken foot recipe is so short as it has only 15 minutes. It is just too easy to make. This thing is done in 25 minutes, and people love it when they see cooking a new dish on the stovetop, especially with their favorite spices and herbs.

How To Store This Dish?

Store the curry chicken feet in a cool place, and it will keep for a week or two. You can add some cilantro leaves when you serve this dish to add more flavor to your curry chicken feet recipe.

Cooking Tips

 You can use this curry chicken foot recipe to replace any meat in your everyday meals. Just add one tablespoon of curry powder and one teaspoon of white vinegar to a pot where the meat is cooked and stir it well until the aroma of that dish arises. And you can serve it with some rice.

Why Is Curry Chicken Foot Recipe Important?

Curry chicken foot is a very delicious dish for vegetarians to try out. The unusual flavor attracts many people’s eyes and makes them try this exotic culinary creation.

Curry chicken foot is a healthy dish for you. It improves the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels, and balances your blood pressure. So if you want to eat a healthier diet, then this delicious curry chicken foot recipe is what you should try out today.


Usually, people have a misconception that curry chicken feet are spicy. But when you try this recipe, you will see that it is very mild and comprises all-natural ingredients. So if you want to eat something more healthy than this dish, try it out today.

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