5 Health Benefits Of Cpk Butter Cake Recipe

Cpk Butter Cake Recipe is a descriptor that means the level of cake extract of a given cocoa powder, or the “percentage by weight” of pure cocoa solids in a given cocoa butter fat mixture. In other words, it describes your chocolate…butter cake’s taste.

Cpk Butter Cake Recipe
Cpk Butter Cake Recipe

This moist and fudgy cake is perfect for special occasions or as an easy weeknight dessert made from pantry staples; this recipe calls for granulated sugar and unsweetened baking cocoa found in most kitchens.

How to make Cpk Butter Cake Recipe


  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup unsweetened dark cocoa powder
  • For the butter cake filling:
  • 1 (8-ounce) container sour cream


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and spray a 9 x 13-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.  Whisk together the flour, baking soda, cocoa powder, and salt in a large bowl. Set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar until thick and lighter in color; 2 to 3 minutes; whisk in sour cream.

3. Stir the egg mixture into the flour mixture until just combined; pour batter into prepared baking dish. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 30 – 35 minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack before frosting the cake.

4. To make the butter cake filling: Whisk together the sour cream and cocoa powder in a small bowl. Spread over cooled cake; refrigerate until well chilled, at least 20 minutes.

5. For a nuttier flavor, sprinkle some additional cacao powder on the butter cake before serving! Enjoy!

Nutrition facts of Cpk Butter Cake Recipe

Total Fat20.9g
Cholesterol71 mg
Sodium548 mg
Total Carbohydrates33g

5 Health Benefits of Cpk Butter Cake Recipe

1. As its name suggests, butter cake is a rich and indulgent dessert. It is made with sugar and lots of butter to help balance the bitter cocoa flavor. 

2. Bioflavonoids are plant-based nutrients that may help protect against cancer. Cocoa powder contains a bioflavonoid called epicatechin, which has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

3. Butter cake is perfect for special occasions, with its dense and moist consistency. You can also swap out the butter in this recipe with vegan butter, like Earth Balance.

4. Butter cake is a sugary treat, with its high sugar content, but it is also high in potassium and other essential minerals for good health. Many doctors recommend eating potassium-rich foods to prevent heart disease and stroke.

5. Butter cake is a great dense, nutrient-rich dessert rich in calcium and protein.

price In Cpk Butter Cake Recipe

As a result, raw cocoa butter may be one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Some say that its fatty acids are similar to those in fish, essential for brain and heart health!

Here is a great resource by Dr. Mercola that outlines why cocoa butter has such amazing health benefits.

History of Cpk Butter Cake Recipe

The original recipe for Butter Cake was created by the famous French pastry chef Gaston Lenotre in 1897.

It was included in his book called “Les Delicieuses” and became one of France’s most popular desserts.

Lenotre created this cake as an alternative to a fine sponge cake which is difficult to make.

He invented Chocolate Butter Cake because it can be made with ingredients normally found in the pantry and needs no baking machine.

Can I Freeze It?

If you plan to freeze the butter cake, allow it to cool completely before wrapping it in plastic wrap. This will help prevent the cake from drying out and keep it fresh longer.

Can I Eat It Raw?

To enjoy butter cake without frosting, slice into squares and serve with a dollop of ice cream or whipped cream.

It can also be enjoyed as a side dish drizzled with mascarpone cheese and sprinkled with sliced strawberries, raspberries, or fruit-like blueberries.

Is It Healthy?

Yes! This butter cake has the healthy fats that your body needs and is low in sugar. It is a healthier alternative to other desserts.

Bigger Batch Recipe?

You may double the recipe if you want to make a larger pan of cakes. It will take about 40 minutes for them to cook.

There are many reasons we should eat chocolate and cocoa products daily; some of them are: it helps prevent depression, lowers blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol levels, makes teeth stronger, prevents cancer, and much more.

The Bottom Line

Cocoa powder is a great ingredient to add to our diet because it has many beneficial nutrients.

This recipe is easy, something you can make every week or on a special occasion, and it is very good. Just make sure that you do not overmix and that the batter is light and fluffy.

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