Coco Curry House Recipe: Best 6 Health Benefits

The Coco Curry House Recipe is one of India’s most popular spicy dishes. The origins of this dish are a little murky, but it is said that it’s enjoyed all over India.

It contains delicious vegetables such as potatoes and peas with tomato sauce, coconut milk, and plenty of spices. You can have it served with rice or roti bread for a hearty meal that will stick to your bones!

It’s no wonder the popularity of this dish has spread throughout India so quickly. Coco Curry House Recipe is delicious, satisfying, and cheap, especially if you grow your own vegetables in your own garden.

It’s hard to find a simple recipe for it–most involve a long list of ingredients that are typically not found in your local grocery store. This blog post will show you how easy it is to make Coco Curry House Recipe!

Coco Curry House Recipe
Coco Curry House Recipe

How To Make Coco Curry House Recipe?

Preparation Time: 20 Minutes

Cooking Time: 30 Minutes

Total Time: 50 Minutes

Serves: 5 peoples


  • 1/3 lb. chicken
  • 1 medium-sized onion
  • 1/2 large carrot
  • 4 oz. Coco Ichibanya curry mix
  • 1 tablespoon salad oil
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 tablespoon Worcester sauce
  • 5-2 teaspoon chutney
  • Pinch of salt
  • Toppings (optional)
  • Pickled ginger
  • Fried chicken or pork, vegetables


1. Wash the chicken and cut it into small pieces.

2. In a pan, fry the onion in a tablespoon of salad oil until light brown.

3. Add the chicken and cook for 3-4 minutes until fried.

4. Add Worcester sauce, salt, 1/2 cup coconut milk, chili powder, curry mix, and water, and bring to a boil (steam).

5. Simmer for 30 minutes. You can also cover it with a lid to prevent the pan from drying out too much (for an airtight finish).

6. In a saucepan, mix the curry mix with coconut milk and Worcester sauce and bring it to a boil.

7. Add the fried chicken and simmer for 5 minutes or until done. Turn off the heat if it’s done before you get there!

8. Just before serving, add the carrot to the curry.

9. Serve with fried chicken or pork and a vegetable side.

10. Optional toppings are pickled ginger and chutney (for those of us who like this kind of thing).

11. Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts Of Coco Curry House Recipe

  • Calories: 275
  • Total Fat: 14 grams
  • Saturated Fat: 12 grams
  • Cholesterol: 40 mg
  • Sodium: 673 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 22 grams
  • Fiber: 4 grams
  • Protein: 11 grams

Best 6 Health Benefits Of Coco Curry House Recipe

1. Healthy Heart

The curry contains high potassium and vitamin B6, which have been shown to reduce blood pressure in the heart. They also boast a negligible amount of cholesterol and fat.

2. Healthy Skin

Coconut milk does wonders for your skin! It has moisturizing effects that keep it healthy and free of pigmentation.

3. Calorie-Burner

The potatoes used in the recipe contain vitamin C and minerals good for bone density, metabolism, and even muscle growth (iron).

4. Healthy Hair

The curry contains a plethora of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients that promote hair growth, provide strength, and even prevent premature graying.

5. Digestive Health

The curry also contains prebiotic fiber in the form of chia seeds that boost immunity and keep your gut healthy! It can even help relieve constipation.

6. Weight Loss Helper

The curry is a great meal option for people on a diet–it is both low-calorie and filling (thanks to the fiber).

Is It Vegetarian?

No. It’s an Indian curry with heavy meat ingredients. It’s delicious and filling, though.

Can I Use Other Meats?

Yes! Any meat will work for this recipe, like chicken, pork, or beef.

Can I Freeze The Curry?

Freeze the chicken in portions to make it last longer! But make sure it’s cooled before you freeze it, or else you may end up with a block of ice instead of a juicy chunk of tender chicken!

Is It Good For Everybody?

The spicy ingredients in the curry may be too strong for toddlers and babies.

Coco Curry House Recipe is one of the best dishes because it’s tasty, cheap, and full of nutrients.

Now you can make your own at home with this simple recipe. Try it and let us know what you think!


Coco Curry House Recipe is one of the most popular dishes in India. This spicy skillet dish is easy to make and packed with various nutrients. Try it as a quick, healthy meal that you can make on a weeknight!

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