Chicken Curry Recipe For Fried Rice: 6 Best Healthy Benefits

Chicken Curry Recipe For Fried Rice Is a quick and easy meal that is tasty, healthy, and can be cooked in just over 15 minutes.

This is a really good recipe to cook for your family on a busy weeknight or when you want something simple to make for dinner. It’s also adaptable, so use what you have at home, like frozen mixed vegetables or canned chickpeas!

This dish goes well with chicken and yellow peas, green beans, and sweetcorn when served with plain boiled rice.

Chicken Curry Recipe For Fried Rice
Chicken Curry Recipe For Fried Rice

What is Chicken Curry Recipe For Fried Rice?

I have given this chicken curry recipe for fried rice in plain white rice, which is more common than sev. If you like the taste of sev, you can also try this with sev.

I have also used yellow peas, which are slightly sweeter, and added some chopped spring onion to make the dish a bit more colorful. You can also add chopped boiled eggs to the fried rice, but I suggest including them in the stir fry.

How To Make Chicken Curry Recipe For Fried Rice?

To make this chicken curry recipe for fried rice, start by marinating the chicken pieces in some crushed coriander seeds and red chilies powder. Then fry this in some oil till it’s cooked. Take a wok or pan and heat 1 tablespoon of oil.

Add the chopped onion, garlic, and ginger and fry for a couple of minutes till the onions become slightly soft. Then add all the spices mentioned below and fry it while stirring occasionally.

prepare Time: 15 minutes

cook Time: 15 minutes

Taste: mild to spicy and full of flavors


  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 2 teaspoons crushed coriander seeds
  • 2 teaspoons red chilies powder
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/4 inch ginger,
  • peeled and grated 4 cloves of garlic,
  • peeled 1 medium onion,
  • sliced 2 tablespoons coriander leaves,
  • chopped Salt to taste. Rice flour or corn starch to help with the consistency of the fried rice.


Step 1. Marinate the chicken pieces in some crushed coriander seeds and red chilies powder.

Step 2. Fry the marinated chicken pieces in some oil till they become cooked, add the chopped onions, and saute them until they turn slightly golden brown.

Step 3. In the same wok or pan, add some oil and fry the garlic, ginger, and turmeric till they become aromatic. Then add all the spices mentioned below and fry it while occasionally stirring for about 2-3 minutes for a more reddish color.

Step 4. Add the coriander leaves and fry them until they crackle.

Step 5. Take a wok or pan and add the 2 tablespoons of oil.

Step 6. Add the yellow peas, green beans, sweetcorn, and chicken pieces. Cook for about 3-4 minutes, then add 1/4th cup of water and cover it with a lid for about 4-5 minutes on low to medium heat till you see some steam coming from the top of the wok or pan.

Step 7. Then stir in the sauce made in step 4, add the plain white rice, Salt, and mix it well.

Step 8. Make a slightly thicker consistency of white rice than what you would usually make while cooking plain white rice by adding some water and a bit of corn starch or rice flour. If you like your fried rice more on the loose side, use less corn starch or rice flour.

Step 9. Now add the sauce to it and give it another stir.

Step 10. Garnish it with some spring onion greens and serve while hot.

Nutrition Fact Of Chicken Curry Recipe For Fried Rice

Calories: 524(Calculate using the ingredients)

Carbohydrate: Herbs and Spices:

Nutrition Amount
white rice(89.8 gm)
yellow peas(36.5 gm)
sweetcorn(18.5 gm)
green beans(23.1 gm)
Onion (38.7 gm)
Groundnut oil(12.2ml)
hydrogenated vegetable Oil(15ml)
garlic (8gms)
ginger (2gms)
turmeric powder (0.5 gm)
salt(1.4 gm)
coriander leaves(25.7gms)
red chilies powder(0.4 gm)

6 Best Healthy Benefits Of Chicken Curry Recipe In Malayalam

1. Curry Recipes Are Very Healthy

Curry Recipes are very healthy as it includes many spices and herbs, which are essential in a healthy diet. They help boost immunity and prevent diseases.

2. Curry Recipes Are Very Easy To Digest

Curry is a very rich, spicy, and hot dish but easily digestible. When the body digests it, it converts the protein in the meal into a gas (Peptide) or fat (amino acids). These convert into energy and help in maintaining good health.

3. Curry Recipes Are Good To Treat Excess Dosha

Curry helps treat excess dosha and helps balance the body. The excess dosha will be balanced when you eat this dish if you eat it twice a week.

4. Curry Recipes Are Good For The Blood

The oil used in curry recipes has saturated fat in it, which is good for the blood cholesterol level. It prevents heart diseases and also improves brain functions.

5. Curry Recipes Are Good For The Urinary System

By cooking some curry recipes and eating them, you will be reducing the chances of getting infected by infectious diseases. The ingredients used are very effective in curing the urinary system.

6. Curry Helps In Preventing And Treating Cancer

Curry has lots of anti-oxidants that prevent and treat cancer. Curry is also helpful in treating and preventing cancers like leukemia, breast cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, etc.

Have Any Side Effects?

Nothing has come out yet.

Can It Be Used For Weight Loss?

Yes, this dish is very beneficial for weight loss since it contains ingredients that have low calories and high nutrients. It is a good way to reduce weight with less effort and time.

Can It Be Used As A Diabetic Diet?

This dish is not on a diabetic diet, and it cannot be used for weight loss if you have diabetes. If you are on a diabetic diet, consult your doctor before trying this dish.

Can It Be Considered For Weight Loss?

Yes, the chicken curry recipe is very good for weight loss since it has many nutritious ingredients that will make you feel full. The ingredients used in this dish are also very easy to digest.


Commonly, Kerala is a land of spices and food, but we don’t care about health for all that. We want to enjoy our food! Curry is really good for you, and the chicken curry recipe can be considered an ideal dish for weight loss.

In addition, this dish has many other health benefits like helping in bone strength and metabolism. If you feel bad using curry recipes because of the heat and spiciness involved, this dish will be much better since it does not have hot spices.

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