Cassava Cake Recipe With Macapuno: 10 Healthy Benefits

Cassava Cake Recipe With Macapuno Is A Common Dish From The Philippines. Cassava is a starchy root vegetable with a smooth, creamy texture. When cooked and mashed. It becomes a doughy mixture similar to potatoes, or in this case, cake batter.

This dish is most often made as an accompaniment to food during celebrations like Christmas or Eid al-Fitr, as they are baked and served in small portions as desserts. This is also preferred by many as a popular snack during the afternoon.

Cassava is rich in starch, calcium, potassium, and iron. It is low in fat and sodium and is good dietary fiber, vitamin C, and niacin.

Cassava Cake Recipe With Macapuno
Cassava Cake Recipe With Macapuno

The root can be boiled or fried to make chips, flour, or tapioca. In other parts of the world, the leaves are also used as food wrappers for cooking meat, fish, and vegetables.

What Is Cassava Cake Recipe With Macapuno?

Cassava Cake Recipe With Macapuno is a common dish from the Philippines. Cassava is a starchy root vegetable with a smooth, creamy texture. When cooked and mashed, it becomes a doughy mixture similar to potatoes or cake batter.

This dish is most often made as an accompaniment to food during celebrations like Christmas or Eid al-Fitr, as they are baked and served in small portions as desserts. This is also preferred by many as a popular snack during the afternoon.

How To Make Cassava Cake Recipe With Macapuno?

It is a simple dish and only requires a few ingredients.


  • 500 g Cassava (polvoron)
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Oil For Cooking Macapuno (Macapuno are small bright yellow to green fruits with a slightly sweet taste and look similar to mangoes.)
  • 1-2 tbsp Garlic Salt (to taste)


Step 1. Bring a pot of water to boil and add the peeled and de-seeded macapuno. Cook until it is soft and you can mash easily. (The same way you would cook mashed sweet potatoes)

Step 2.  Heat oil in a skillet, add garlic salt, and saute until fragrant (optional). Add the mashed Macapuno eggs. Sugar then cooks until thickened. Keep stirring to prevent burning on the bottom of the skillet

Step 4.  Sprinkle cassava crumbs on a greased baking sheet and pour the cooked Macapuno mixture. Bake for about 15 minutes or until firm.

Step 5.  Cut into small squares and serve them warm or at room temperature as an afternoon snack or side dish to accompany food during parties.

You can also add it to your existing recipes like chicken, beef, fish, vegetables, pizza, etc.

Nutrition Fact

Nutrition Amount
Calories 34 Kcal
Total Fat 0.2 g
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 72 mg g
Carbohydrates 7.5 g
Iron 0.7 mg
Magnesium 9 mg
Calcium 5.4 mg g

10 Healthy Benefits Cassava Cake Recipe With Macapuno

Cassava can be cooked in boiling, frying, and even roasting. It is commonly available in supermarkets or market stalls in various sizes and shapes, some even with attached leaves.

Cassava is extremely versatile as it can be used raw or cooked and can be mashed to form a soft doughy mixture.

1. Helps In Weight Loss

Cassava is rich in starch, calcium, potassium, and iron. These help in weight loss.

2. Helps In Curing

Cassava is a good source of fiber, which helps promote the digestive system and keeps our tummies full for longer. Mashed cassava is the best remedy for constipation.

3. Very Affordable Food

It is a portion of very inexpensive food and very popular with many people in the Philippines as they do not have to buy expensive food like meats or fish.

4. The Vitamin In Cassava

Cassava is a good source of vitamin C, niacin, and iron which are great for the body.

5. It Is A Treat For Asthmatics

You can eat cassava regularly to help relieve asthma symptoms like shortness of breath and chest tightness. It relaxes the smooth muscle that surrounds the air passages in the lungs. It is also believed to help reduce wheezing, coughing at night, and mucus from the lungs.

6. Helps In Treating Diabetes

As cassava has a low glycemic index and is rich in non-starchy carbohydrates, it can be an excellent alternative to glucose sugars. Eating cassava often helps regulate blood-sugar levels, from pre-diabetes to diabetes.

7. Helps In Stress Relief

As cassava contains a high amount of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, it is known to help reduce stress and work as an energy booster when consumed regularly.

8. Good For Oral Health

Cassava is an excellent food for people suffering from dental problems. It helps to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Eating cassava regularly helps grow new teeth and inhibits the formation of cavities in the mouth. It also improves teeth health by eliminating tartar plaque and preventing gum recession.

9. Improves Liver Function

Consuming cassava helps in improving liver function. It stimulates the production of beneficial bile, ensuring a smooth flow of bile from the liver.

10. Helps In Good Vision

People suffering from night blindness, poor eyesight, and cataracts can be treated by eating cassava regularly. It helps improve and restore the vision of those people due to its rich content of vitamin A and beta-carotene.

How To Control Diabetes Using Cassava Recipes?

Diabetes affects different people in different ways. Even type 1 and 2 diabetes can be treated in various ways.

If you recently discovered they have diabetes, the first thing you should do is maintain a healthy weight by following a proper diet.

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most effective ways to treat diabetes, and it also helps lower blood glucose levels.

Cassava recipes help lower blood glucose levels, particularly for type 2 diabetes, because it helps improve blood sugar levels by increasing insulin production.

If you are not sure which cassava recipe fits you best, talk to your doctor about what diet is best for your condition.

You should also ask your doctor if you can take additional supplements to your diet like calcium supplements, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids. As for people who have type 2 diabetes, consuming foods high in fat content or carbohydrates is recommended.

Cassava is rich in carbohydrates, and it is good for people who have diabetes because the nutrients contained in cassava helps in improving the production of insulin, preventing blood sugar levels from rising too fast.


Cassava is one of the most delicious roots in the world. This root can be eaten raw, cooked, or even baked.

It is a common staple food for many families, and it comes in different shapes and sizes.

It is widely available in local markets, so you don’t have to go far to get a good cassava source for your family’s nutrition needs.

Try this Cassava Cake Recipe. The Macapuno recipe will make you evolve as a good cook, and your family will surely love you for that lunch or dinner.

If you have any recipe requests or questions, please feel free to comment below.

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