Canteen Cup Recipes: Best 6 Health Benefits

Canteen cup recipes are the best way to use all your new food. Check out these recipes you can make in your canteen cup, and decide which one you’ll try first!

If you’re looking for a creative way to use your food and take a break from the mundane cold cereal or salad that you may be used to, why not try one of these canteen cup recipes.

They can all be made with ingredients that you can find in your canteen bag too!

Your canteen cup is a handy little-sized container that can be used for many different uses. Not only can it be used to carry snacks and drinks, but you can also use it as storage, or even a mini-fridge!

Canteen Cup Recipes
Canteen Cup Recipes

That’s right. Not only are they useful, but they are also helpful when traveling and camping too. This means that you don’t have to leave your bag at home if you go hiking or on a picnic with friends and family.

How To Prepare Canteen Cup Recipes?

The low kitchen recipe is straightforward to make. Below are the ingredients you need to prepare it.


  • Low-fat yogurt: 400g (1 pound)
  • Low-fat cheese slices: 420g (1.2 pounds)
  • Onions: 2 medium-sized, chopped finely
  • Green peas: 200g (7 ounces)
  • Soya sauce: 1 tsp
  • Garlic-chili paste: 1 tbsp (optional)
  • Bay leaf powder: ½ tsp
  • Black pepper powder: ½ tsp (optional)

Preparation Method Of Canteen Cup Recipes

1. Mix the low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese slices, chopped onions, and peas in a bowl.

2. To prepare the sauce, add soya sauce, green chili paste, and roasted cumin powder in another medium-sized bowl. Mix well. Add ¼ cup of water and mix well again. Pour the onion-pea mixture into the sauce bowl and mix it with a spoon until everything is combined correctly.

3. Now, pour everything into the canteen cup, cover, and leave for 3-4 hours on the kitchen counter to set the yogurt.

4. When ready to serve, take off the lid and garnish with pea sprouts or sliced onions. Enjoy!


If you love South Indian cuisine, this recipe is perfect for you. The recipe for this superb dish is the same as for Yogurt Masala Curry. It’s one of the few recipes in our collection that hasn’t been tweaked to make it healthier.


  • Low-fat yogurt: 400g (1 pound)
  • Groundnuts: 250g (9 ounces)
  • Onions: 2 medium-sized, chopped finely
  • Ginger paste: 1 tbsp (optional)
  • Coriander powder: 1 tsp
  • Chilli powder: ½ tsp

Preparation Method Of Canteen Cup Recipes

1. Mix the low-fat yogurt, groundnuts, chopped onions, and ginger paste in a bowl. Let this mixture stand for half an hour.

2. Mix the coriander powder, chili powder, and salt to taste in another bowl.

3. Now, pour the contents of the first bowl into a pan and roast it on low heat until it turns golden brown. When ready to serve, remove from the heat and transfer into a serving dish. Sprinkle the coriander-chili powder mixture over it and serve hot with Rotis or chapatis.

Nutrition Fact Of Canteen cup recipes


Is It Suitable For Diabetic Patients?

Yes, these recipes are suitable for people with diabetes.

Is It Suitable For Weight Loss?

Yes, these recipes are excellent for weight loss. They contain low fat and high fibre, which helps you lose weight without compromising taste.

Is It Good For Heart Patients?

Yes, these recipes are good for heart patients as they contain a high amount of fibre and protein, which helps in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Additionally, the ingredients used in preparing this recipe are low in sodium and fat, making it an excellent option for heart patients.

Best 6 Health Benefits Of Canteen Cup Recipes

1. Low-Fat Food

Canteen cup This is a low-fat food. Many people are worried about eating low-fat food as they think it will gain weight. This is not true.

Instead, the best way to lose weight is to eat low-fat food because fat consumption causes severe diseases like heart attack and diabetes.  

2. High Fiber Content

Canteen cup This recipe contains a high amount of fibre which helps in reducing cholesterol levels and also aids in a healthy digestive system.

Additionally, it helps maintain a healthy weight without compromising on taste.  

3. Low Sodium Food  

Canteen cup This recipe contains a low amount of sodium essential for a healthy heart. Additionally, it also has high fibre as an ingredient which further helps in lowering cholesterol levels.  

4. High Protein Content

Canteen cup This recipe contains high amounts of protein. Protein is essential for the muscles and is a vital nutrient required by our body to perform many processes, from building muscles to repairing tissues damaged by a wound or wear and tear due to aging, stress, or various diseases.

5. Healthy Food

Canteen cup This recipe is one of the few healthy recipes in our collection. Many of the other recipes in our collection are restricted to less healthy ingredients like artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives.  

6. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Canteen cup This recipe is excellent for lowering cholesterol levels. Since this recipe contains low fat and sodium, it doesn’t lead to a rise in cholesterol levels, resulting in heart attacks or strokes later.


It is now obvious that this recipe is effective for various health benefits. And, since it has a creamy consistency, the food will be more enjoyable to eat, and the taste will not be too bland.

If you are looking for a healthy recipe, you should try out this fantastic recipe. Thank you very much for visiting our site, and if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to drop us a line below.

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