Board And Brew Sauce Recipe: Best 5 Healthy Benefits

Board And Brew Sauce Recipe is a recipe for one of the most delicious board game sauces I have ever had. It is made from various ingredients that sound like something out of a horror movie.

But don’t worry, you might never have to make another sauce again because I have provided instructions for making a large batch so you can store it and use it during the game night every single time.

Board And Brew Sauce Recipe
Board And Brew Sauce Recipe

This recipe is best served with Nintendo Switch Pretzel Rods, but it would also go well with many other games requiring equally annoying smacking noise.

How To Make Board And Brew Sauce Recipe?


  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1⁄4 cup butter
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon rosemary, chopped fine
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil (optional)


Step 1. Make it look like a video game controller using your very best presentation skills. Mashing the garlic and butter together with a fork is probably sufficient. Pour it all into a bowl and mix in the other ingredients. If you need extra flavor, add salt and pepper to taste. 

Step 2. Spread the sauce on a plate and chill. You can also freeze the sauce in an ice cube tray. When your next game night rolls around, pop out one or two cubes of sauce and put them in a squeeze bottle to be used as needed.

Step 3. Now you’re ready to play your next game of Monopoly, which only takes about ten minutes because now you are so skilled in Monopoly that you can beat just about anybody any time, either at home or abroad.

Step 4. Suppose you want to make your own Bake And Brew Sauce Recipe, add in some olive oil and mix it with the other ingredients.

Step 5. Enjoy!

Nutrition Fact

Serving Size: 1 Tablespoon Servings Per Container: 10

Nutrition Amount
Total Fat6g
Saturated Fat2g
Trans Fat0g

Is this a good sauce recipe?

Yes! I would recommend this recipe to anyone who likes a little bit of heat in their sauce.

Does it taste good?

The sauce tastes similar to the kind on a falafel burger, so I think you will enjoy it if you’re a fan of that.

5 Healthy Benefits Board And Brew Sauce Recipe

1. Heart Healthy

This recipe is great for your heart because it is primarily made up of healthy fat, which has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease.

2. Cancer Prevention

Many studies have shown that a diet high in fat can promote cancer growth, but this recipe does not contain any red meat or red dairy products, so it should not contribute to any cancer development.

3. Bone Health

Studies show that people who consume diets low in cholesterol and saturated fats are less likely to experience bone fractures as they age.

4. Weight Management

A diet high in fat and full of antioxidants such as blueberries, beets, and blackberries can help with appetite control and weight management.

5. Digestion

The fat and oil in this recipe are full of healthy unsaturated fats that have been shown to improve the way your body digests food.

What Other Board And Brew Sauce Recipe Would You Like To Make?

I would love to make Board And Brew Sauce Recipe with a couple of changes. I would add some olive oil because it adds a texture similar to hummus, one of my favorite dips.

I would also love to see what happens if you mix some avocado with garlic and butter. Avocado adds another level of flavor and texture that I think would shine in this recipe.

Is This Your First Time Making A Board And Brew Sauce Recipe?

If you have made a board and brew sauce recipe before, I would love to see it! The best part of the comments section is seeing what other recipes people come up with with the same ingredients.

I think that this Board And Brew Sauce Recipe is a good starting point and could lead to some very exciting developments in in-game night foodie cuisine.

Bottom Line

Board And Brew Sauce Recipe is a recipe for one of the most delicious board game sauces I have ever had. It is made from various ingredients that sound like something out of a horror movie.

But don’t worry, you might never have to make another sauce again because I have provided instructions for making a large batch so you can store it and use it during the game night every single time.

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