Blood Wine Recipe: 9 Easy Steps To Make

The blood wine recipe is a product of the fermentation process of plant leaves, barks, fruits, and vegetables. This fermented beverage was popular in ancient times, even it is still used for various purposes for which the fermentation process has.

Some of its uses are cosmetic, health-related, and spiritual purposes. The ancient Egyptians regarded it as a sacred drink: an offering to their gods.

What Is Blood Wine Recipe?

The blood wine recipe is a homemade concoction that includes natural ingredients, including red wine vinegar, raw apple cider vinegar, and honey.

It can be used to do away with common ailments, rheumatism pains, and even as prevention against disorders like flu or colds.

Please make a small quantity of it for everyday use or store a greater quantity in an air-tight container, and it is good for up to 8 months.

What Is Blood Wine Made Of?

The ingredients in the blood wine recipe are vinegar, honey, water, and probably some spices. The recipe is an old one that is easy to follow. They have used it for their health benefit and to make their body strong and healthy.

How To Preparation A Blood Wine Recipe?


The ingredients used are vegetables, fruits, and herbs like tomatoes, cucumber, lemons, garlic, onions, basil, and rosemary.

Peels of some fruits like apples and pears can also be used. The necessary amount of fruits and vegetables must be selected after weighing or measuring the amount used in the preparation process.


1. Roughly chop and grind the fruit, vegetables, and herbs.

2. Add a cup of honey cooked with the juice of 4 lemons in a pot. Use 1 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar.

3. The boiling process should be 5 minutes only, then add half a cup of water.

How To Make Real Klingon Bloodwine

4. Do not use distilled water or any other water source for cooking the honey because it will produce an unpleasant flavor.

5. You can also add some oil during the cooking process to add flavor. Mix the mixture to prepare the blood wine recipe.

6. Roughly chop, grind and mix all ingredients.

Add the blood wine and leave it for 2-3 days.

7. The mixture will start fermenting.

8. You have to maintain the temperature of 88-90 degrees Fahrenheit during the fermentation process by adding water or boiled rice flour if you want a smooth product when bottled.

9. You can also try cooking rice and water and adding them to your mixture if you do not have rice flour.

Please make a small quantity of it for everyday use or store a greater quantity in an air-tight container, and it is good for up to 8 months. A day’s end, the mixture will change its taste and color. This is the drink used by ancient Egyptians, who believed it would cure most disorders in their time.

Brewing Process

Please make a small quantity of blood wine recipe for daily use or store a greater quantity in an air-tight container, and it is good for up to 8 months.


Wear a gown and gloves because they will make you relaxed.

Place fruits and vegetables:

Peel some fruits like apples, pears, and bananas. Trim the leaves of a few herbs, including basil and rosemary. Cut the fruits into pieces, then cut the leaves into small strips.


Use a pan to boil honey until it becomes foamy together with the juice of two lemons. Add one cup of apple cider vinegar after mixing it with half a cup of water.


Mix all ingredients. Add the blood wine to the mixture and leave it for 2-3 days.


The mixture will start fermenting. You have to maintain the temperature of 88-90 Fahrenheit during the fermentation process by adding some water or boiled rice flour if you want a smooth product when bottled.

Be careful with this step because killing a microorganism is a very delicate process. You have to manage the temperature not more than 90 degrees Fahrenheit for the blood wine recipe to ferment successfully.


Blood wine should be taken care of properly during preparation. Repeat the entire process for two weeks for your blood wine to be done.

Bottling Process

Sterilize bottles or containers to use. This can be done by washing them or baking them in hot water. Label your bottles with the name of your mixture and its amount.

Make a small quantity every day or a greater quantity if you plan to store it for later use. A day’s end, the mixture will change its taste and color. This is the drink used by ancient Egyptians, who believed it would cure most disorders in their time.

Blood wine is one of the most popular homemade beverages in the world today and a real antiaging secret of the rich.

One could infer from this article that it can be a natural alternative to expensive private medical treatments sold in modern health centers. Its humble ingredients are common kitchen herbs, leaves, and fruits.

They are well-known for their beneficial effects in providing relief and cures to ailments of all types, especially those related to the digestive, respiratory or circulatory systems.

While some people may turn their nose up at the thought of brewing their simple concoction at home, it’s a great way to experiment with herbs that might otherwise be out of reach.

There are several reasons why you should use an herbal tea such as blood wine recipe over expensive treatments from health clinics.

 Nutrition Fact

Blood Wine Recipe is the most nutritionally complete food you will ever encounter. Blood Wine Recipe has all the essential proteins, proteins, and amino acids required for a healthy body.

It is good for people with a weak digestive system and those who are suffering from various illnesses and health complications.

In addition to that, it can also be used as an antiaging medicine that does not contain any of the harmful chemicals in today’s antiaging treatments like Botox, Accutane, etc.

Serving Suggestions

Blood Wine Recipe can be used for decorative purposes and medicinal purposes and is a great taste treat for anyone.

It can treat problems related to the circulatory system respiratory system and improve the immune system.

Cleansing the body from all toxic elements is the most effective way of curing health problems. The toxins in our body must be removed through these herbal drinks to avoid further damage to our organs, causing all types of health problems.

Health Benefits

Blood Wine Recipe is a homemade natural medicine that is sometimes referred to as a cure-all drink. Not only that, it has numerous benefits, including the following;

Blood wine can be used as a natural treatment for colds and coughs, dry skin and hair, premature aging, kidney stones, etc.

It can be consumed in many forms like tea, water, or juice. It is also good to use it in culinary seasonings and spices.

Blood wine can be used to treat severe arthritis, high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc.

It is also good to use it in anemia due to its iron-boosting properties.


Blood wine recipe has various medicinal properties that are good for those suffering from various diseases.

It is a very popular homemade drink and can be used in your daily life to keep your health at its best. To know more information, please comment below!!

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