La Water Drink Recipe: Best 7 Healthy Nutrition

La Water Drink Recipe Grab a drink, grab a plate of food. This refreshing and healthy recipe is the perfect way to cool off after you’ve been running around exploring and adventuring all day.

It’s summertime, so flavored water can be your friend this season! You can change the fruit flavors with whatever’s available or in season for maximum refreshment.

How to make La Water Drink Recipe


  • 8 cups of water
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 2 lime, sliced
  • 1 pear, peeled and cut in half
  • Fresh mint leaves (optional)


1. In a large pitcher, mix the 8 cups of water with the lemonade mix.

2. Spark up with a slice of lime and pear and serve over ice.

La Water Drink Recipe
La Water Drink Recipe

3. Add mint leaves to taste before serving if desired. Serve cold over ice if desired.

4. You can always make this in a pitcher in advance and store it in the fridge. Enjoy!

The Nutrition Facts of La Water Drink

Fat0 g
Carbohydrates112 g
Sodium3 mg
Fiber8 g
Sugars84 g

The Healthy Benefits of La Water Drink Recipe

Healthy Benefits of La Water Drink

Strawberries contain high levels of antioxidants and many other nutrients. They are considered healthy fruit to consume because they can help with anti-aging, blood pressure regulation, and heart health.

Strawberries also help in weight loss because they can help you control your appetite to feel full without over-eating. It’s also said that drinking strawberries give you a better night’s sleep and aids in preventing insomnia.

7 Healthy Nutrition of La Water Drink Recipe

1. La Water Drink Recipe fresh fruit and lemon juice make it easy and tasty to stay hydrated.

2. La Water Drink Recipe is a good source of Vitamin C, which helps support the immune system and aids in anti-aging processes.

3. The fruit and mint leaves in this recipe contain antioxidants that protect against free radicals that can cause damage to healthy cells.

4. La Water Drink Recipe provides Vitamin A, which helps vision health, keeps your bones strong, and boosts immunity.

5. La Water Drink Recipe helps you get your daily dose of fruit, which provides fiber and carbohydrates to fuel your body.

6. La Water Drink Recipe helps you get enough Vitamin K, which primary function is to help blood clot and reduce the risk of bleeding.

7. The mint leaves in La Water Drink Recipe are a natural remedy for gas and bloating, as they help relieve intestinal cramping.

Can I Freeze It?

You can freeze La Water Drink Recipe. Fill a freezer-safe container with the mixture and freeze for 6 months. Thaw in the refrigerator for 8 hours when ready to serve and then add ice as desired before serving.

Can I Use a Blender?

A blender is used to puree ingredients into a smooth liquid or emulsify and homogenize. The better the stick blender you have, the better your results.

Where Can I Buy It?

You can purchase fruit-flavored drink mixes or make your own. The flavorings included in the La Water Drink Recipe are artificial, so check out our article on natural fruit flavoring to make your own.

The Healthy Lifestyle LA Water Drink Recipe Video

Here is a video where we make La Water Drink Recipe. We show you how to remove the skin of the pear, cut off the stem, slice in half and scoop out the seeds.

In addition to that, we show you how to slice fresh mint leaves and mix them in with the drink (look at 0:36). All this adds up to a whole bunch of steps.

How To Store It?

To store La Water Drink Recipe, place in a covered container or sealable bag and store at room temperature for up to two days or in the refrigerator for two weeks.

How Much Water Is Enough?

La Water Drink Recipe is the perfect drink for you to stay hydrated. It contains high amounts of water to keep hydrated and hydrated throughout the day.

It’s a very healthy drink, so make sure you’re drinking enough water now and throughout the day.

I Can’t Find Mint Leaves!

You can also substitute mint leaves with fresh basil leaves if you can’t find mint leaves.

Where Can I Get Water?

If you don’t have a water source near you, you can always pick up a water bottle. Just make sure that it’s BPA-free.

You can also try purchasing a filter to keep your drinking water extra clean and tastes good. Your body will appreciate you!

Does It Taste The Same Without The Pear?

Yes, La Water Drink Recipe tastes just as good without its pear. You can substitute apple slices for the pear.

The Bottom Line

La Water Drink Recipe is a refreshing drink that will keep you hydrated throughout the day. Make sure you’re drinking enough water today to stay healthy. Share tips and tricks with us in the comment section below!

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