Prawn Curry Recipe Without Coconut: 5 Healthy Benefits

Prawn Curry Recipe Without Coconut Is there any Indian dish not made with coconut? It seems a little crazy, but the answer is yes. This Prawn Curry recipe can be done without its traditional ingredients to enjoy a delicious meal.

This recipe perfectly shows that you don’t have to adhere to tradition to make something delicious!

Prawn Curry Recipe Without Coconut
Prawn Curry Recipe Without Coconut

How To Make Prawn Curry Recipe Without Coconut?


  • 1 1/2 Pound Prawns, De-shelled, Peeled, and Deveined (I used King Prawns)
  • 1 Large Onion, Finely Chopped
  • 3 cloves of Garlic, Minced
  • 3 Tablespoon Fresh Grated Coconut (Optional) (I did not use this ingredient as it is not traditionally used. I find that it makes the dish a bit too sweet)
  • 2 Tablespoons Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Yogurt (Optional)
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt + To Taste


Step 1. Heat oil in a skillet, and fry garlic & onion until it begins to brown. Add in prawns and cook for about 5 minutes until the prawns are just cooked through. Do not overcook! Add butter beans and green bell pepper to the skillet and cook for a few more minutes (or until they are tender).

Step 2. Add 1/4 cup of water to the skillet, then turn the heat down to a low. Add lemon juice, salt, and seasoning (coconut, garlic, and yogurt).

Step 3. Stir until the sauce is smooth and creamy, like yogurt.

Step 4. Serve over rice or roti.

Everyone says I am crazy for not using coconut in my curry recipes. After making this curry, it took me a while to get used to it and enjoy the recipe without it. I did not use any coconut in this recipe because Indian cooks tend to use sweetened coconut in their curries and shrikhand recipes.

Nutrition Fact Of Prawn Curry Recipe Without Coconut

Total Fat22.6g
Saturated Fat4.5/2g
Prawn Curry Recipe Without Coconut

Healthy benefits Of Prawn Curry Recipe Without Coconut

1. Healthy

This recipe contains a small amount of coconut, which is perfectly healthy.

2. Heart-Healthy

This recipe has no saturated fat, making it a heart-healthy option. The sauce consists of a fine mixture of vinegar and yogurt taken from a healthy diet to have a healthier, heartier body.

3. Low-Calorie & Low Fat

This recipe contains 461 calories per serving; of these calories, only 206.9 are from fat. As a result, this curry has a low-calorie count for its high-protein content.

4. Protein Rich

Protein is an essential part of any diet as it promotes the growth of muscles and other body tissues, which helps build muscle mass and boosts athletic performance. This recipe contains 41 g of protein per serving.

5. Caution

The PABA content in the shrimp is too high, so those with a PABA allergy should avoid this recipe.

Final Note

I hope you try making this recipe. I know it will be very delicious! Â But if you are allergic to coconuts, like my family and me, then feel free to skip over it! Â Thank you for reading my article. I appreciate it. 


This prawn curry recipe is one of the easiest Indian recipes on the Internet. You do not need special ingredients for this recipe because you can use a small piece of butter and ginger or lemon juice. If you dislike curry, this recipe is another way of making healthy Indian food.

This recipe is for you if you want to forget your diet. If you like my articles and blog post, then click on the ‘Like’ button at the bottom of the blog.

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