Egg Green Curry Recipe: Great 5 Serving Ideas

Egg Green Curry Recipe is a good and healthy food recipe to make. This curry can be a part of a healthy diet for anyone. The dish is relatively easy to make and will take about 15 minutes for the entire preparation.

Eggs are rich in high-quality proteins and nutrients in various forms and provide a wide range of health benefits if consumed regularly.

How to make Egg Green Curry Recipe


  • Egg- 4
  • Onions- 2 (chopped)
  • Tomatoes- 2 (chopped)
  • Green chilies – 2
  • Pepper powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Salt – to taste  Turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp Curry powder
  • 1 tsp Garam masala powder
  • 1/2 tsp Coriander leaves chopped finely. Salt to taste


Step 1: First, rinse the eggs thoroughly, using plenty of water.

Step 2: Then remove their shells, keeping the egg whites intact.

Step 3: Next, cut the eggs into two pieces.

Step 4: Then place them in a bowl and add salt, turmeric powder, and pepper powder to taste. 

Mix these spices well with the egg pieces to ensure an even coating of spices. The next step is to heat a sufficient amount of oil in a deep pan until it is hot enough to fry.

Step 5: Slide in the egg pieces once the oil is hot enough to fry.

Step 6: Fry until they are half cooked but still hold their shape.

Step 7: Remove them to a plate and then keep them aside on kitchen paper.

Step 8: Now place the chopped onions and stir fry them till they turn softened.

Step 9: Then add tomatoes and green chilies to the pan, and stir fry them until they become slightly softened.

Step 10: Now add eggs to the mixture and cook the mixture over a low flame for about 5 minutes or until soft. 

Step 11: Add salt, tomato purée, pepper powder, and cinnamon powder to the mixture and mix well.

Step 12: Once the egg pieces cook completely, place them back in the pan and garnish with coriander leaves.

Step 13: Mix some lemon juice and add it to the mixture before serving.  Serve Egg Green Curry Recipe with roti or rice on a proper plate.

Nutrition facts of Egg Green Curry Recipe

Per 100gm or per serving:

  • Calories- 344
  • Protein- 14.55 gm
  • Carbohydrates- 16.36 gm
  • Total Fat- 9.71 gm
  • Calcium – 118.41 mgs  
  • Iron- 0.56 mgs  
  • Calcium – 18 mgs  
  • Phosphorus – 46 mgs  
  • Potassium – 602mgs  
  • Sulphur -0

Health Benefits of Egg Green Curry Recipe

Egg Green Curry Recipe can help in improving the digestive system. Also, it is considered to help in weight loss as it is a low-calorie and healthy dish that can be easily consumed.

Egg Green Curry Recipe
Egg Green Curry Recipe

Egg Green Curry Recipe can also help in strengthening the immune system and fighting off infections.

Great 5 Serving Ideas for Egg Green Curry Recipe

1. Egg Green Curry Recipe can be served with rice or roti, great for breakfast.

2. Egg Green Curry Recipe can also be consumed as a side dish for lunch.

3. It can be served with chicken or fish in the evening to help with weight loss since it is low in calories and rich in protein, which will help in the weight loss process.

4. Egg Green Curry Recipe can also be consumed on its own and can be eaten at any time when not having other food items around to eat.

5. It can also be consumed with young kids, as long as they are directed not to eat other spicy food items.

Thai green curry egg

The following recipe is an egg curry recipe that has been popular in Thailand for decades. The Thai cooking style uses fresh and natural ingredients to add flavor to their dishes.

Egg Curry is one of the most popular and delicious food items in this country. This egg curry is made by adding many spices to the eggs and combining them with a delicious green Thai-style sauce.

Green egg curry with coconut

This egg curry recipe is the most delicious and unique one. This is a Thai green curry recipe with coconut milk and coconut cream. The egg curry has a unique taste that is impossible to get anywhere else.

Creamy Salmon Tomato Egg Curry

Creamy Salmon Tomato Egg Curry Recipe can be made easily by using canned salmon and tomato sauce which are now sold in a wider range of stores. This dish also uses eggs, which gives it a creamy texture and makes it more delicious.

How Long Will It Take To Prepare?

Egg Green Curry Recipe
Egg Green Curry Recipe

The preparation time for this dish will depend on how much time you spend on its preparation. So, it can be made in about 20 minutes for a quick meal.

How Do I Make It Vegetarian?

The dish can be made vegetarian by omitting the fish sauce. You may also replace half the cream with coconut milk in its preparation.

What Are The Different Ways To Prepare It?

There are different ways to prepare this dish to make it more delicious. You may prepare the dish with various ingredients, like coconut milk, fish sauce, and eggs, to give it more flavor.

Is It Suitable For Pregnant Women?

If you are pregnant, you should avoid eating fish, especially if it is not fresh. Fish and seafood can contain many heavy metals that can harm your unborn baby. There are many other varieties of egg curry recipes that can be prepared without fish or seafood.


These are some easy egg curry recipes that can easily be made at home by following the basic procedure. If you would like to enjoy Thai food, then this page has been a great help in finding the best egg curry recipes that you can try out.

Many other egg curry recipes can be tried with even more exciting spices and ingredients. These variations include adding nuts, coconut milk, and other vegetables like tomatoes in preparing the dish.


How do you make green egg curry?

Eggs can be added to many curries and egg curry recipes. To make egg curry with green ingredients, you need to add green coriander and mint leaves to give it a refreshing flavor.

How do you make green egg curry?

Eggs, curry powder, and green coriander are some of the ingredients you will need to make egg curry with green ingredients. Stir fry these ingredients together in a pan, and then add fresh tomatoes to this mixture.

How to make Kolhapur egg curry?

Kolhapuri egg curry is one of the specialties of Maharashtra and is a mouth-watering curry that can be eaten with hot flatbreads. The ingredients for the egg curry recipe include tomatoes, onions, garlic, spices, and eggs.

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