Curry Scallop Pie Recipe: Best 5 Variations

Curry Scallop Pie Recipe is a recipe that calls for scallops and curry to create a delicious sweet and savory dish. This is the perfect recipe for those who love seafood.

The nice thing about this pie is that the crust is pre-baked, so it can spend more time in the oven, which will make it easier to put together.

The filling has a hint of curry and great herbs like thyme, parsley, rosemary, and sage that will add depth to this dish without heat.

How to make Curry Scallop Pie Recipe


  • 1 cup of sweet potato, peeled and mashed
  • 1/4 cup of granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons of egg whites and 3 tablespoons of cream
  • For the Filling: 8 ounces scallops, already cleaned
  • 1 pint of cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced and divided into half cloves each
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder


Step 1: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2: In a bowl, combine the sweet potato, granulated sugar, egg whites, and cream. Mix well and set aside.

Step 3: For the filling, mix all the ingredients in a large bowl and set aside.

Step 4: Mix by hand or with a medium-sized spoon using a food processor or blender. The mixture should resemble mashed potatoes. If it is too dry, add a bit more of the sweet potato mixture or milk to help bring it around.

Step 5: Place the crust mix in a pie pan and press it into shape with your fingers or a fork. Spread the filling on top of the crust.

Step 6: Place another sheet of foil over the top and crimp very tightly. Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit until golden brown, about 30 minutes. Let cool before cutting to serve.

Nutrition facts of Curry Scallop Pie Recipe

  • Calories: 343
  • Protein: 11 gms
  • Carbohydrates: 47 gms
  • Fiber: 2.6 gms
  • Fat: 16.9 gms
  • Calories from Fat: 72%
  • Cholesterol: 60 mg
  • Sodium: 235 mg

Health Benefits of Curry Scallop Pie Recipe

The following are the nutritional facts of the Curry Scallop Pie Recipe:

The high protein content in meat and eggs helps you maintain muscle and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

Curry Scallop Pie Recipe
Curry Scallop Pie Recipe

Eggs also contain high choline levels, which is a natural way to prevent heart disease and low cholesterol.

The number of fats in this pie recipe helps your body absorb the fat in food so that it does not become harmful or accumulate. The antioxidants found in this pie help keep your skin healthy and help fight against free radical damage.

Best 5 Variations for Curry Scallop Pie Recipe

1. For a different variation, you may use broccoli, either in the filling or on top of the pie.

2. You may also substitute the curry with sherry cream.

3. The amount of spinach used may be reduced by half as some people are sensitive.

4. You may substitute the sweet potatoes with butternut squash or pumpkin

5. You may also use different cheese combos like gorgonzola and parmesan or cheddar and mozzarella.

How Long Will It Take To Prepare?

It will take about 45 minutes to cook the pie if your ingredients are already cut. If you have to chop all the ingredients, it will take about 60 minutes.

Creamy scallop pie recipe

This creamy scallop pie recipe is the best scallop pie recipe you will ever try. This creamy scallop pie recipe needs a few ingredients commonly found in the kitchen.

You will need some honey, cream, and seafood. The cream and honey have a delicate flavor that is not overpowering and complement each other very well.

The seafood gives the scallops a sweet taste that matches both the honey and cream.

How to store?

You can store the crust in a freezer bag for three days. You can also store the filling in a freezer bag and keep it in your refrigerator for five days.

Scallop pie recipe taste

The scallop pie in Curry Scallop Pie Recipe is extremely flavorful. It plumps up the scallops rather than saute them, allowing a soft and delicate texture.

Curry Scallop Pie Recipe
Curry Scallop Pie Recipe

The combination of honey, cream, and seafood gives this recipe great flavor and makes it extremely interesting to taste.

Curry Scallop pie Tasmania

Curry Scallop Pie Recipe is a delectable dish that can be prepared using the simplest ingredients and pantry staples.

Curry Scallop Pie Recipe is the perfect recipe for trying something new and interesting yet very easy to prepare. Curry Scallop pie is not just delicious, but it also cooks up pretty quickly.

The best part about this recipe is that there are no complicated steps involved in making it. The ingredients in this recipe go well together, and they lend a special flavor to each other that you will love.

Is It Safe For People With Diabetes?

Curry Scallop Pie Recipe is free of refined sugar and gluten-free. It is a very healthy dish that is suitable for people with diabetes since it is low in calories and full of protein.

It tastes great, too, as you can attest by tasting the recipe before you begin cooking. The recipe makes a large pie, so there will be enough leftovers if you do not finish the entire dish right away.


If you want to impress your friends and family with a dish that will be exceptionally tasty and all-natural, this is the scallop pie recipe.

The ingredients used in Curry Scallop Pie Recipe are very healthy and relatively cheap to use again in other dishes.

The taste of the curry will leave your guests wanting more, and they will not be disappointed by the quality of this recipe.


How do you make scallop pie?

Take two packages of scallops and cook them lightly. Once they are cooked, add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir. Add one package of cream and salt to taste. Cook for 3 minutes, add the scallops, and continue cooking for another minute.

Can you freeze it?

You can freeze it after preparing it by following the steps above. Arrange in a pie pan, cover with foil, wrap with a stick or two, and place in the freezer for up to three months or until needed.

How do you make scallop curry?

Prepare the curry by combining two teaspoons of curry powder, two tablespoons of melted butter, half a can of coconut milk, and one teaspoon of honey. Stir in three tablespoons of bread crumbs to thicken the mixture, and add salt to taste. Pour into a pie pan, arrange scallops over it, pour over the remainder of the coconut milk, and top with cheese. Bake for about 20 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

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