Almond Curry Recipe: 5 Best variations

Almond Curry Recipe is not just a dish; it’s a way of life. There are an infinite number of curries in this world that all cultures and religions can enjoy.

If you’re new to the world of curried dishes, then try out this classic dish from Indian cuisine at home, as it is perfect for your first foray into the land of curry.

How to make Almond Curry Recipe


  • 250g chicken, cubed
  • 1 cup long-grain rice
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 1 cup prepared onion paste (or cut into small pieces)
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 tbsp ginger and garlic paste (or finely chopped)
  • ½ tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 3 cups almond milk or water


Step 1: Heat the oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds and allow them to pop.

Step 2: Add onion paste and fry until golden brown.

Step 3: Add ginger, garlic, and chili powder and fry for another 2 minutes.

Step 4: Stir in the turmeric powder, water, or almond milk and bring to a boil. Simmer for 7-8 minutes.

Step 5: Put in the chicken pieces, cover, and simmer for about 30mins on low heat until tender.

Step 6: Mix the rice with water or almond milk and soak for about 30mins.

Step 7: Drain the rice and add it to the curry.

Step 8: Simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve hot!

Nutrition facts of Almond Curry Recipe


Health Benefits of Almond Curry Recipe

The curry is a delicious dish with many health benefits. It can help you control your blood sugar levels and thus, improve your insulin sensitivity.

Almond Curry Recipe
Almond Curry Recipe

The curry’s high carbohydrate content helps keep your blood sugar levels in control, which can help you lose weight. A low-carb diet has also been shown in clinical trials to help people with Type 2 diabetes.

The curry is also rich in antioxidants due to almonds and other nuts, which stop free radicals from damaging critical body systems, including your heart and brain.

5 Best variations of the Almond Curry Recipe

1. Almond Chicken Curry

You can use chicken pieces instead of the cubed chicken, and it’s up to you. You can also add other spices than just the red chili powder, such as garam masala or coriander powder.

2. Almond Butter Curry with Paneer Cheese

Be generous with the almonds in this recipe as they pack a strong nutty flavor and aroma. The paneer cheese version is very famous, and people who eat those can call themselves true foodies.

3. Egg Curry with Tomatoes and Almonds

This is a good low-calorie recipe as you can use fewer almonds, which will reduce the calorie count, and add some tomatoes to it. You can also replace the chicken with eggs.

4. Vegetarian Curry

No meat, no fish! Even if you’re a vegetarian, you probably eat chicken once in a while. The vegetarian curry is almost a must-try dish if you want to lose some weight without giving up flavor altogether.

5. Coconut Curry

Coconut is a miracle ingredient for curry. It’s the secret ingredient responsible for the creamy and delicious curry taste.

Is It Suitable For Pregnant Women?

If you’re pregnant, don’t stay away from curries, as it’s been shown in various studies that curries can improve your pregnancy health. Curries are very nutritious, and it’s also a very easy way to incorporate extra vegetables into your diet.

Is It Good For Diabetic Patients?

Yes, Almond Curry Recipe is a great way to control your blood sugar levels. It contains a low glycemic index and low carb, which is perfect for diabetes patients, especially Type 1 patient.

Is It Safe For Kids?

It’s nutritious and tastes good, but I wouldn’t advise you to give your young children the curry as it may be too spicy.

Almond Curry Recipe
Almond Curry Recipe

As with all foods, remember to let them try new flavors out at their own pace, as some children may be more sensitive than others to strong flavors like chili.

Is It Suitable For Heart Patients?

Almond Curry Recipe is very good for the heart as it contains vitamin C and antioxidants, which are good for the heart and blood vessels. It can also help you lose weight and reduce your cholesterol levels, thus reducing pressure on your heart.

Is It Good For Thyroid Patients?

Almond Curry Recipe is a go-to food for people with thyroid problems as it helps to control the thyroid hormone activity, thus reducing the level of oxidation of your body cells.

Tomato almond curry

The great thing about Almond Curry Recipe is that you can make it in many different ways. You can add meat, fish, or eggs to the dish to make it more filling and satisfying. You can also change the curry base to suit your tastes if almond milk isn’t your thing.

Almond curry recipe vegetarian

If you’re a vegetarian, Almond Curry Recipeis the perfect dish for you. You can enjoy a spicy and creamy meal without eating meat or fish.

You can also mix in some tomatoes to reduce the spice level and increase the fruit content. If that’s still not enough to please your taste buds, try adding some paneer cheese.

Almond chicken curry Doctor’s Kitchen

Almond Curry Recipe is the perfect chicken curry dish if you have kids at home. As mentioned previously, it’s not good to give them something too spicy as they may develop a dislike for anything smelly or strong smelling.

Is Almond Curry Recipe Gluten-Free?

This curry is gluten-free and can be easily modified to suit the dietary requirements of people with coeliac disease and gluten intolerance.

The dish can be easily made gluten-free by replacing the traditional wheat flour with buckwheat, rice, or quinoa flour.


The Almond curry recipe has been a favorite among people for a long time. It goes well with any meal, and you can enjoy the flavors of almonds and Turmeric. The dish is nutritious and easy to prepare, and suitable for people from all age groups.


How do you thicken curry with ground almonds?

Ground almonds can be added to any curry dish to make it thicker. The mixture should be mixed well and simmered in a low heat setting. This way, the curry will thicken and get a rich and creamy texture.

How do I cook Thai Almond Curry?

This tasty Thai curry is served with rice, cucumber slices, red onions, lime wedges, and crushed peanuts. The sauce is thickened with ground almonds or peanut butter, depending on your preference.

Where is the best place to get almond milk?

You can get almond milk from any supermarket or convenience store. Alternatively, you can even make it at home using a nut milk bag.

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