Curry Puff Indian Recipe: Best 10 Nutrition Facts

Curry Puff Indian Recipe is a unique and tasty variation of the Chinese dish, traditionally served in a steamed bun.

This recipe includes everything you need to make this Indian alternative, from spices to ingredients. The dish has a very similar taste to traditional pork fried rice with Indian spices to it as well.

How to make Curry Puff Indian Recipe


  • 1 packet of puff pastry (about 24-30 pieces)
  • 1 tsp of chopped ginger
  • 3 green chilies, chopped to make a paste
  • 2 tbsp of chopped coriander leaves
  • Salt to taste


Step 1: Firstly, prepare the curry sauce by mixing the curry sauce ingredients. Keep aside.

Step 2: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray the puff pastry with nonstick spray and cook until golden brown.

Step 3: Add the chopped ginger and green chilies and sauté over medium flame in a pan.

Step 4: Then, add the curry sauce ingredients and blend well for about 2 minutes.

Step 5: Lastly, add coriander leaves and salt to taste and blend for another 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 6: Now, scoop the mixture into the puff pastry and spread it until it looks patty. Bake for about 8 to 9 minutes in the oven.

Step 7: Remove from the oven and cut into 8 pieces using a sharp knife or mandolin.

Step 8: Serve with chili sauce and enjoy!

Nutrition facts of Curry Puff Indian Recipe

Total fat6.9g
Saturated fat4.1g
Trans fat0.0g
Cholesterol12 mg
Carbohydrate19.6 g
Dietary fiber0.9g
Sugars0.3 g
Total sugars0.26 g

Health Benefits of Curry Puff Indian Recipe

Helps to reduce blood lipids when consumed regularly. The fiber present in this recipe helps prevent blood cholesterol levels from increasing.

Curry Puff Indian Recipe
Curry Puff Indian Recipe

Easy to digest. The fiber present in this recipe works as a food processor, making it easy to digest and absorb the nutrients into your system.

Contains no cholesterol, trans fat, saturated fat, or sodium. You can have this recipe without any worries about heart problems or high cholesterol caused by eating these delicious pastries.

Price of Curry Puff Indian Recipe

Each serving of this recipe costs about $1.07 (about 15 pieces). You can make this recipe on a small scale or a large scale.

Can I Freeze It?

This Indian version of the popular Chinese dish is frozen easily. You can freeze these Indian curry puffs for up to 3 months without any taste, texture, or appearance changes.

How to store?

You can store these puffs in a refrigerator for up to 2 days by wrapping them in an airtight plastic bag, preventing the gusts from drying out.

Is It Gluten-Free?

Curry Puff Indian Recipe is naturally gluten-free since there are no actual pasta products used in this recipe.

Is It Good For Diabetics?

Curry Puff Indian Recipe
Curry Puff Indian Recipe

Yes, this recipe is good for people with diabetes. Curry Puff Indian Recipe does not cause an increase in blood sugar levels and does not increase the risk for heart disease.

Is It Suitable For Pregnant Women?

This recipe is good for pregnant women since it does not increase the risk of miscarriage or any other complications in pregnancy.

Is it safe to eat during lactation?

Curry Puff Indian Recipe has no fat, cholesterol, trans fat, or sodium. You can have this dish while nursing too.

Is it Omit Vegetable Oil?

This is a vegetable oil recipe and contains no added fats or oils.

Can I use it on my skin?

Yes, curry leaves are often used to relieve rashes and eczema. Therefore, if you have any skin problems, you can use the curry leaves in a compress to help soothe the affected area.

You can also add a few teaspoons of coconut oil and boil the curry leaves in a pan of water to be used as a compress. This will help with dry or irritated skin.

Is It Good For Heart Patients?

Yes, this dish is good for heart patients. The high amount of fiber in the recipe helps prevent blood cholesterol levels from increasing and maintains good heart health.

Is it safe to have during pregnancy?

This is a good dish to eat during pregnancy since it does not increase the risk of miscarriage or any other complications in pregnancy.

Is it suitable to use on an infant?

There are no ingredients that are harmful to infants. It is completely safe to use on your baby.

Is it safe to use on a nursing infant?

Yes, this recipe has no fats, cholesterol, or trans fat. You can serve it to your child without any worries about the negative effects.


If you like curry and puffs, it is a good idea to go ahead and try out this recipe. All in all, Curry Puff Indian Recipe is a healthy dish that can be made time and time again without any worries.

You can substitute the pork in this recipe with chicken if you want to make a vegetarian version easily.

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