Apple Shrimp Curry Recipe: 6 ‍Best Health Benefits of It

The Apple shrimp curry recipe is a recipe that is made in the United Kingdom. The dish is made with crushed apples, curry powder, spices, dried shrimp, and flour to give it a nice light flavor.

The name might be because some of these ingredients are from the apple family and because curry is traditionally served with rice.

This recipe can be found on various websites that discuss different recipes for different types of foods. You can also find variations of this dish online or in cookbooks, or on cooking TV shows.

It’s very easy to make this dish, and all you need is dried shrimp, flour, apples, and cooking oil.

The apple shrimp curry recipe has a lot of protein in it as well as carbohydrates. You can also throw some vegetables into the dish to give you a complete meal.

It’s a very easy recipe to make, and it’s really tasty too. The dried shrimp adds the extra flavor you are looking for in this dish.

Today we will learn how to make this recipe; let’s get started.

How To Make The Apple Shrimp Curry Recipe?

Preparation time:  10 minutes

Cooking time:  15 minutes

Serves:  4 persons

Ingredients You Will Need To Make The Recipe Are  The Following:

  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of ground coriander seeds
  • 2 teaspoon of dried shrimp (to give it a nice kick)
  • ½ cup of applesauce (this is optional)
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg powder (you can also use cinnamon powder)
  • 1 ½ teaspoons pepper spice
  • ¼ cup of cooking oil (You can also use butter if you wish to)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt



In a bowl, mix the applesauce (if you use it) and salt and pepper powder.


Add the minced garlic and nutmeg powder (or cinnamon) and mix it well with the applesauce.


After this, add the shrimp seasoning (if you do not use dried shrimp, make sure that you use 2 teaspoons of salt instead) and toss it to combine evenly before you start frying them up.


Start to fry the shrimp, and you need to cook them for about 3-4 minutes at medium-high heat. (see the pic below)

Apple Shrimp Curry Recipe
Apple Shrimp Curry Recipe


Please take out the shrimp and dip it into the flour. Now fry it in the same oil you used before until it turns golden brown.


Once the shrimp turns golden brown, remove them from the oil and set them aside.


Once you have fried all of the shrimp, add in your applesauce mixture (if you used it) along with the flour and stir it up until all of the flour is mixed in well with the applesauce mixture.


Finally, heat 1 ½ tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan at medium-high heat and pour in your apple shrimp curry recipe.


Then, add the apples and mix them until they turn into a pulp. Chop them up as you want.


And then it is ready to serve!


If you are going to add some vegetables, you can add some green beans, carrots, or potatoes (if you wish). You can also leave out the dry shrimp seasoning if you do not have any.

Nutrition Fact Of Apple Shrimp Curry Recipe

Fiber 3g

Serving Suggestions

1. Serve this dish with some cooked rice or any other soft flatbread.

2. Serve this dish on its own.

3. You can also serve this dish as a snack for kids (without the shrimp), and you can also use it as a side in a sandwich.

4. If you are using this dish as a starter, you may want to add some spices to make it more appetizing.

6 ‍best Health Benefits Of Apple Shrimp Curry Recipe

1. The dried shrimp adds a nice kick to the dish. The shrimp also provides you with some extra protein in this dish.

2. The apple meal has a healthy amount of fiber, which usually helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and controls blood sugar levels.

3. When eaten regularly, eating apples can help you live (or stay) a longer life and other studies have also shown that apples can help you lose weight.

4. Cinnamon can help reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood, lowering the risk of a heart attack.

5. The cloves, coriander seeds, and nutmeg help lower cholesterol levels.

6. The fiber present in this dish is low on the glycemic index and insulin index, meaning that it is good for type 2 diabetes patients or for anyone who has a sensitive stomach or loves to be on a diet.

Can I Freeze Apple Shrimp Curry Recipe?

Yes, you can freeze this recipe. You do not need to defrost them before you use them. So, if you want to save this recipe for later use, store the unused portion in a freezer and use the apple shrimp curry recipe whenever you want to.

You can also thaw out your frozen food in the fridge overnight or leave it on the kitchen counter until the Apple shrimp curry recipe is ready to be used.

Is It Good For Everybody?

This is a very healthy recipe, and it is considered to be one of the healthiest recipes in the world. This dish is good for young children and grown-ups, too, even though young children may not like this dish because of the dried shrimp.

What Can You Substitute For The Ingredients?

If you do not have dried shrimp, you can use any other type of dried fish or leave it out entirely. You could also substitute onion for the applesauce if you do not want to use any applesauce.


This recipe is really good, and it has many health benefits. I hope you will try out this easy recipe and let me know what you think about this dish.

Enjoy it!

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