La Water Recipe: 10 Amazing Benefits

La Water Recipe is a refreshing summer drink with a twist. It’s called La Water because it could have a magical transformation through carbonated water, making it bubbly and more likely to slide down your throat. So, start creating your own La Water recipe today!

The Best Part of this Recipe is that it’s so easy to make, and you don’t have to be the most creative person in the world to use ingredients you already have in your kitchen.

La Water Recipe
La Water Recipe

I love that this recipe is so simple, and it tastes good. It’s a basic La Water recipe and can be enhanced by adding some fruit or juices (anything citrus) to make a different kind of summer drink, but the basic La Water Recipe is great to know.

How To make La Water Recipe?

To start making your La Water Recipe, you need some fresh vegetables and fruits. You can use anything you like, such as lemons, oranges, or limes, but I love using cucumbers because they add a unique flavor to the drink, making it look very yummy and appealing.


  • 2 cucumbers
  • Sugar (optional)
  • Citrus fruits of your choice


Wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly with water. Make sure you peel the cucumber if it has a peel. You can opt to use a blender or a juicer to give you the icy effect. If you’re using a blender, make sure you add half of each ingredient to avoid clumping or melting. Pour the blended ingredients into an ice tray and freeze it for at least 2-3 hours. Serve it as is, or add some water to refresh it.

Nutrition fact La Water Recipe:

1 glass (6.75 ounces) of La Water Recipe contains

Nutrition Amount
protein1.5 g
fat0 g
carbohydrates13 g
sodium830 mg
La Water Recipe

Tips and advice: You may add a little sugar to your La Water Recipe to taste it better and make it more enjoyable for you.

10 Amazing Benefits Of eating La Water Recipe:

1. Helps in weight loss:  

If you’re trying to lose some weight, adding cucumbers to your diet should help you. Cucumbers are ideal for this kind of goal because they are so low in calories and contain no fat, sodium, or cholesterol, making them the perfect pick many people opt for in their diets.  

2. Helps in digestion:

The digestive system is very important to us as humans, and our bodies need it to work properly. In many cases, the digestive system is not functioning at its best, and it can get out of the way for stomach problems. With La Water Recipe, you have the chance of having a great digestive agent that will help you digest food very well.  

3. Helps in blood circulation:

If you’re in your 30s or even younger than that, then you know that your blood circulation is not very well as it used to be back in your 20s or early 30s. But the good thing is that it can be improved by a little step such as adding cucumbers to your diet. Cucumbers are a good source of manganese which is very important for blood circulation.  

4. Great for weight loss:

Cucumbers are also very good for slimming your waistline. You can have them as a part of your salad, and you will see that your waistline will look slimmer and feel less tight and ample.  

5. Helps to cure headaches:

If you’re a person that has a headache on many occasions, then you know how bad it feels. But if you add cucumbers to your diet, then the headache will go away in no time at all. Cucumbers can be a great way to reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches.  

6. Helps to cure colds:

You should also add cucumbers to your diet if you suffer from a cold. This is another benefit of peeling the cucumber and making it into La Water Recipe so this way you can get rid of the unhealthy effects of a cold.  

7. Help with fighting cancer:

Although Alzheimer’s disease is very common nowadays, there are still many people that aren’t aware that La Water Recipe is going to help them fight against it. It’s very important to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, especially during this time, because it can slow down the development of the disease.  

8. Helps to fight excess fat in the body:

If you are trying to lose weight but can’t seem to get rid of the excess fat in your body, you should try adding cucumbers to your diet. Cucumbers are full of water which is a good way for your body to be hydrated and stay fit and healthy.  

9. Aids in weight loss:

Cucumbers are also a great way to fight weight gain and the extra pounds. They are low in calories and will help you lose weight easily.  

10. Helps your blood circulation:

Cucumbers are very beneficial for keeping your body healthy and fighting certain diseases like diabetes or cancer. They contain many vitamins and minerals that can help keep your body healthy.  

The Bottom Line

I hope you enjoy my La Water Recipe, and please let me know how much you liked it. If you want to add some more flavors or something to it, feel free to do that because the main purpose of adding a little bit of your imagination is to make things better and healthier.

Please feel free to comment below if you need more information about this recipe. I wish you all the best!

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