Curry Oxtail Recipe: Easy 8 Instruction Ideas

Curry Oxtail Recipe complicated part of making this recipe is preparing the oxtails. I omitted that step because it requires too much time, and not all of us are privy to a top-of-the-line kitchen.

Feel free to skip the next paragraph if you can afford such luxuries.

I recommend asking your butcher to peel off the membrane from the underside of each oxtail so they’re easier to cook and will be less likely to fall apart in a stew as they simmer.

How to make Curry Oxtail Recipe


  • 2 lbs oxtails
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 1-inch ginger, sliced (or 1 heaping tbsp ground ginger)
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 habanero pepper, finely chopped (leave seeds for more heat)
  • 1 cinnamon stick 7.


1. Place oxtails in a large pot and fill with water to about halfway up. Bring to boil and cook for about 2 hours, or until meat is fall-off-the-bone tender.

2. Remove from the water and lower the temperature to medium heat but not so low that the stock boils out.

3. Place onions, ginger, garlic, and habanero in a food processor and process until minced.

4. Stir the ginger mixture into the pot with the oxtails.

5. Add more water if needed to cover everything.

6. Bring back to a boil and then lower heat to simmer for about 3 hours, or until stock is very thick and gravy-like.

7. Stir in the cinnamon stick and serve over rice or pilaf with browned eggplant, chunks of beef or chicken, and slivered onions on top (left image).

8. Enjoy!

Nutrition facts of Curry Oxtail Recipe


Health Benefits of Curry Oxtail Recipe

Known as a factor in lowering cholesterol, eggplant is also filled with antioxidants.

Curry Oxtail Recipe
Curry Oxtail Recipe

It helps prevent heart disease and cancer and helps lower blood pressure by keeping the arteries clean of plaque.

Habanero peppers are an excellent source of vitamins A and C and a good source of calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. They are also rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to Vitamin A.

Can I Freeze It?

No, once the stock has been reduced to a thick gravy, it should not be frozen for the meat to fall apart. However, if you’re too impatient about what’s about to happen, you can freeze it overnight.

Is It Healthy?

The Curry Oxtail Recipe is pretty lean, but it has a lot of saturated fat. Nutrition aside, you should probably avoid eating it when you’ve already eaten too many fatty meats such as hamburgers or steak in the past few days.

Can I Substitute with Lamb?

Yes. Oxtails are readily available in most butchers’ stores and make a delicious substitute for lamb.

Can I Substitute with Beef?

Yes. Beef has a rich flavor that’s just as good as oxtail, but it also contains about half the amount of saturated fat.

The stew will be less juicy than it would be with oxtail meat, but neither the color nor the taste will be affected.

Is It Gluten-Free?

The curry itself is gluten-free, but it’s a stew, so it depends on how you serve it. You can pair it with rice or serve with browned eggplant chunks over a bed of couscous.

Is It Good for You?

If you’re watching your caloric intake and eating healthy, this is a dish that won’t require much sacrifice. The total calories per serving (excluding rice) are less than 500 calories.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Oxtails are considered to be a delicacy in England and South Korea. In Ireland, they are considered a boneless cut of meat instead of the tail, which is only trimmed of the heart and bones.


The Curry Oxtail Recipe is multifaceted. It has a soft, sweet flavor and has a nice balance of spices in every bite.

If you’re expecting a stew that will knock your socks off, I wouldn’t recommend this recipe because the oxtail requires minimal effort but yields delicious results. Please feel free to check out the curry oxtail recipe on my blog if you love trying new recipes.

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