Best 7 Freezing Ideas Of Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe

Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe is a cake that has been around for a few years and has become increasingly popular over the past few years.

It’s very easy to make, especially when you use the boxed cake mix, and there is no need to buy any expensive ingredients. The cream cheese frosting makes it even more delicious.

No one that I know will turn down this cake! Everyone loves it with both strawberries and bananas in it. You can’t go wrong making Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe!

How to make Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe


  • 1 Box White Cake Mix
  • 1 Package (8 oz.) Cream Cheese – Softened
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/3 cup Vegetable Oil
  • 3 Tbsp. Water
  • Topping: (frosting)
  • 1 cup Powdered Sugar (sifted) 7 tbsp. Heavy Whipping Cream 1 tsp.
  • Vanilla Extract 2 tsp.
  • Strawberry Extract 1/2 of a Banana  (chopped fine) Recipe Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.


1. Grease (or line) an 11 x 17″ Pan and bring to temperature in the oven.

2. Mix cake mix, cream cheese, and eggs in a medium bowl. Mix until smooth.

3. Fill in the Pan (cake mixture should come up about 1/3 of the way on the sides of the Pan). Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until the toothpick comes out clean.

4. Allow to cool for 10 minutes, then remove from Pan and allow to cool completely before assembling.

5. For the icing: beat the cream cheese, vanilla, strawberry, and banana extracts in a medium bowl until smooth. (Don’t overbeat!)

6. Add the powdered sugar slowly with constant mixing, ensuring that everything is evenly mixed through. (You don’t want any lumps!)

7. Spread icing all over the cake according to your desired style or taste!

8. Slice and serve!

Nutrition facts of Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe

Fat8 g
Saturated Fat3 g
Sodium140 mg
Carbohydrates30 g
Starch4 g
Sugar30 g
fructose3 g
Protein3 g

Health Benefits of Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe

Several health benefits come along with eating Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe.

Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe
Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe

It only contains 200 calories per slice, so you can actually eat the whole cake without worrying about gaining too much weight if you don’t overdo it.

Eating one slice a day of Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe would lower cholesterol and improve heart health.  The fiber in this cake helps clean out your digestive system and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Best 7 Freezing Ideas of Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe

1. Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe can be frozen in many different ways. You can keep the icing on it while it’s freezing

or take the icing off and freeze it separately. Many people like to freeze Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe with a topping of chocolate.

2.   The best way to freeze Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe would be by taking the cake out of its Pan and wrapping it in plastic wrap before putting it into a freezer bag or freezer-safe container.

3.   Another good way to freeze Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe is by wrapping it with aluminum foil before putting it into a freezer bag or freezer-safe container.

4.   I have about six different ways of freezing Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe. Still, the most popular is putting the cake directly on the cookie sheet,

placing it in a freezer bag or freezable container, and then placing it in the freezer. This will ensure that your cake stays very moist while being frozen.

5.   You can also use a cake pop maker like this one to freeze Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe. This will ensure that your cake stays moist while being frozen.

6.   Last but not least, you can freeze it by placing the cake in a freezer-safe container, wrapping it in aluminum foil, and placing the whole thing in a freezer bag or safe container before placing it in the freezer.

7.   Another good way to freeze Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe is by taking the cake out of its Pan, wrapping it in plastic wrap, then placing that wrapped cake in a freezer bag or freezer-safe container.

Price of Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe

The price of the Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe will vary from person to person. The ingredients aren’t too expensive and will only cost you about $5.00!

If you are planning a budget, I suggest that you put your money towards ingredients and not the cake mix or the frosting.

Is It Suitable For Pregnant Women?

It is suitable for pregnant women because it does not contain anything harmful to the baby. The nutritional value of this cake will also help with the pregnancy.

Is It Suitable For Diabetics?

Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe is suitable for people with diabetes as it has no sugar in it at all! If you’re one of these people with diabetes, you should try out this cake because it will not raise your blood sugar levels.

How to Store Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe

You can store your Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe in the freezer. The best way to keep it is by putting it into a freezer-safe container and then placing that bag or container into a freezer bag.

You should always keep frozen food in the freezer, but you should always check the expiration date on this cake before you eat it.

Is It Gluten-Free?

It is gluten-free! This makes it much easier for people with celiacs to eat this delicious Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe.

Can I Eat It If I Have a Cold?

You can eat this if you have a cold! It won’t make the common cold worse. In fact, by eating this, you will get lots of energy to fight off your cold faster.

It would help if you always stayed away from sugary foods when you have a cold, though, because they will make your symptoms worse rather than better.

How Does It Taste?

Honestly, this Strawberry Banana Cake recipe tastes amazing. You can even make it yourself for a special occasion! If you’re trying to impress someone, I recommend that you try this out.

What Is It Suitable For?

This Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe is a great birthday cake, perfect for any special occasion! You can even use this as a base cake if you decide to make cupcakes, cookies, or any other dessert that fits this book’s theme.

Where Can I Buy This Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe?

You cannot buy Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe (Yes, I just said that!) This is one of those recipes you have to know how to make.

I recommend that you try out this recipe because it will be the best Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe you have ever had!

Is This Good for a Wedding?

This cake is not just good for weddings, and it’s perfect for weddings! You can try out this recipe by making the cake and then adding some fresh strawberries to make it look nice at your engagement party or your wedding.

It will be very easy to make too. Some people even make this cake with different kinds of fruits.

The Bottom Line

Strawberry Banana Cake Recipe is a very good book. It is a little bit expensive, but the recipe you will get inside it is very easy to follow. The pictures are also beautiful, so this book was definitely worth it for me!

I always have a good time when I use this recipe. Not all recipes turn out great, especially recipes that come from books, but this one did. I hope that you guys enjoyed this review. Thanks for reading!

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