Kumquat Cake Recipes: Best 10 Healthy Benefits

The Kumquat cake recipes are a sweet and mouth-watering dessert perfect for any occasion. This article will go through the history of this type of cake, some good recipes for Kumquat cakes, and how to make a Kumquat cake from scratch.

The history of kumquat cakes goes back to the late 18th century when they were made in England by treacle tart makers to use the fruit that was not used in their bakery.

Today, kumquat cakes are made worldwide, especially in Japan, where they are called Kumquat Tarts (or Kumquat Pies) and are traditionally made with a pastry cream filling.

How To Make Kumquat Cake Recipes?

Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

Cooking Time: 20 Minutes


  • 2 cups – Flour
  • 2 tsp – instant yeast
  • 4 tsp – Baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp – Powdered ginger
  • 1/4 tsp – Cinnamon powder
  • 3/4 tsp – Salt
  • 6 Eggs
  • beaten with 1/2 cup of sugar
  • ½ cup    macadamia nuts
  • ¼ teaspoon        baking soda
  • ¾ cup    kumquat
  • 2 cups of Water or Milk


1. Heat 1 cup of water and the sugar in a saucepan until the sugar has dissolved completely and the mixture has begun to boil.

2. Place all dry ingredients in a large bowl and gradually add to the hot sugar mixture, constantly stirring to prevent lumps from forming.

3. When the mixture is smooth, add two-thirds of the eggs, beating well after each addition.

4. Combine remaining eggs with milk or water and slowly add to mixture, beating well after each addition.

5. Pour into two well-greased rectangular cake pans.

Kumquat Cake Recipes
Kumquat Cake Recipes

6. Bake at 356 degrees F (180 C) for 20 minutes or until the cake tester comes out clean.

7. Cool in pans on rack for five minutes, turn out on shelves to cool completely. Melt the butter and add the kumquats, ginger, and macadamia nuts for the glaze. Spread over cooled cakes before serving.

Nutrition Fact Of Kumquat Cake Recipes

Total Fat24.9g
Total Carbohydrate53.5g
Dietary Fiber1.36g

Best 10 Healthy Benefits Of Kumquat Cake Recipes

1. Vitamin C

This vitamin is found in kumquats and is useful in building up the immune system and preventing diseases like colds.

2. Vitamin K

Vitamin K keeps blood clotting regular and prevents some diseases caused by blood clots like heart attacks.

3. Antioxidants

Research shows that antioxidants can help prevent heart disease, cancer incidence, strokes, diabetes, and even some symptoms of aging like wrinkles.

4. Healthy Hair

Vitamin C found in kumquats can help prevent hair loss and prevent alopecia or balding.

5. Anti-inflammatory

These antioxidants can help reduce swelling in muscles and joints. This helps keep you from getting pain in your joints or ligaments from being carried too much.

6. Omega Fatty Acids

The Omega fatty acids in kumquats help improve your brain’s health and help your brain cells communicate better with each other.

7. Healthy Skin

Nutrients like vitamins E and C found in kumquats can help clear up your skin from blemishes and keep them healthy.

8. Healthy Skin

Nutrients like vitamins E and C found in kumquats can help clear your skin from blemishes and keep them healthy.

9. Healthy Nails

Vitamin C found in kumquats can help you have healthy nails.

10. Weight Loss

All the antioxidants in kumquats can make you lose weight, as it helps your body get rid of harmful toxins that can lead to increased weight.

How To Store Kumquat Cake Recipes?

This cake is best stored in the fridge for about a week. It can be eaten at room temp for a day, but it is best when frozen.

Delicious serving suggestion for Kumquat cake recipes

This delicious dessert can be served with whipped cream, ice cream, or fruit toppings like cherry and strawberry desserts.

Is It Good For Everybody?

Yes, this is a good recipe for kids, toddlers, and pregnant ladies.

Is This A Good Cake For Special Occasions?

This cake is a traditional Japanese pastry, and it is refined and classy. It would be a good choice for any special occasion like birthdays, Christmas or New Year parties.

I Don’t Have Enough Eggs, What Should I Do?

That’s okay! You can add some water to the recipe to make a cake batter, and it will still turn out great! You will have a slightly different texture with less egg content in your cake.


The Kumquat cake is an elegant and delicious dessert. This tasty recipe can be made both in pie and in a cake format, and they are both equally yummy.

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