Amazing 5 Health Nutrition Of Meat Cake Recipe

Meat Cake Recipe I’m not a fan of cake, but I like meat. So for me, this recipe is perfect because it’s both!

This looks like a great snack to have in-between meals or if you’re trying to go meatless one day and want something that even has the same texture as cake.

How to make Meat Cake Recipe


  • 1 pound of ground meat (turkey, beef, turkey-beef mix, lean ground beef)
  • 2 Tablespoons of bread crumbs (bread crumbs, white bread)
  • 3 Tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2/3 cup soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce          
  • 2 cups self-rising flour   
  • 4 green onions chopped               
  • 4 cloves of garlic minced              
  • 5 cups chopped broccoli rabe or.


1. Mix ground meat and bread crumbs in a medium bowl.

2. In another large bowl, beat the egg yolk, salt, and pepper.

3. Add the egg yolk mixture to the ground meat mixture, and with a pastry blender, slowly crumble the ground meat into fine crumbles. Fold in the Parmesan cheese until mixed through.

4. Dump the ground meat mixture in a large bowl with about 2/3 of soy sauce and mix well until blended thoroughly with no clumps or bits of meat remaining.

5. Slowly add the 4 cups of flour and mix until just combined (do not over mix).

6. Form the meat mixture into a rectangle that is approximately 2 inches thick and 14 x 8 inches long.

7. Place meatloaf in a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan and spread the remaining soy sauce evenly on top of the loaf.

8. Place in preheated oven at 375°F for 35 minutes.

9. Remove from the oven, spread the remaining 1/3 cup of flour onto a large plate, and evenly coat broccoli with flour mixture (about 5 cups).

Meat Cake Recipe
Meat Cake Recipe

10. Place broccoli on top of the meatloaf and cover with foil.

11. Return to oven and bake for another 20 minutes at 350°F, remove foil, and bake uncovered for 5 more minutes until lightly browned on top.

12. Slice and serve with gravy or ketchup.

13. Garnish serving plate with chopped green onion and garlic.

14. Servings!

Nutrition facts of Meat Cake Recipe


Amazing 5 Health Nutrition of Meat Cake Recipe

1. Meatloaf, on its own, has a high-fat content of 48 grams. By putting it in a loaf pan and baking it, the fat is lowered to just 1 gram.

2. The amount of salt used in this recipe is relatively low at 27.3 grams per serving, while most recipes call for 50 grams or more per serving.

3. The sodium used in this recipe is relatively low at 341 mg per serving, while most recipes call for 650 milligrams or more per serving.

4. The amount of cholesterol used in this recipe is low at 173 milligrams per serving, while most recipes have 300 milligrams or more per serving.

5. This recipe offers a whopping 79 grams of protein, while most recipes have between 22 and 44 grams.

Can I Freeze My Leftovers?

Yes! To freeze, first thaw your meatloaf in the refrigerator, covered. We recommend wrapping it well (plastic wrap works well).

Then, you can wrap individual servings of meatloaf in plastic wrap and a freezer bag. Please keep all frozen meats in their original packaging to avoid freezer burn. Reheat each portion as needed in a microwave on medium heat with a little water or cooking spray.

How to store?

Meat Cake Recipe should be stored in a tightly sealed container away from your other foods. Your refrigerator is the best place for storing food for storage.

Make sure you follow your recipe’s instructions exactly, not accidentally contaminate other foods. Label each container as to what it is and the date you have made it.

Meat Cake Recipe should be stored in a tightly sealed container away from your other foods. Your refrigerator is the best place for storing food for storage.

Is It Healthy?

According to the USDA’s Food Pyramid, you should eat a variety of high protein foods, like Meat Cake Recipe, because they help you feel full and are good for maintaining your weight and lowering your risk of disease. Your body needs protein to build and maintain muscles, blood cells, and other body parts.

According to the USDA’s Food Pyramid, you should eat a variety of high protein foods, like Meat Cake Recipe, because they help you feel full and are good for maintaining your weight and lowering your risk of disease.

Is It Gluten-Free?

If you’re following a gluten-free diet, there is no reason not to try Meat Cake Recipe. Most meatloaf recipes don’t call for a lot of gluten anyway. It’s always important to check your recipe before serving it to guests at a party or dinner.

Meat Cake Recipe If you’re following a gluten-free diet, there is no reason not to try Meat Cake Recipe. Most meatloaf recipes don’t call for a lot of gluten anyway.

Is It Vegetarian?

Meat Cake Recipe is a meat dish, so it does contain meat. However, you can substitute the beef for ground turkey or chicken if needed. The only other animal product that it makes might be in the sauce.

So check your recipe to make sure the sauce doesn’t call for any dairy products or other animal by-products like gelatin or eggs before serving it to your vegetarian and vegan friends and family members.


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