Top The Tater Recipe: Best 11 Health Benefits

The top the tater recipe is a delicious side dish made with potatoes and ham. Potatoes are boiled in salted water, then laid on a baking sheet lined with a paper towel, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and topped with slices of ham.

It’s finished off by drizzling some butter on the potatoes before putting it in the oven to brown the potatoes. It’s a very simple recipe that you can use for a dinner party or picnic.

There are several variations of the top potato recipe. However, I have chosen this one because it’s my favorite, and I’ve made it many times over the years.

Top The Tater Recipe
Top The Tater Recipe

You can make different shapes with the potatoes in your oven by using different-sized baking sheets. So, if you want smaller tater slices, use a smaller baking sheet and lay pieces on top rather than cutting them into squares or triangles.

How To Make Top The Tater Recipe?


  • 4 cups sliced potatoes, peeled
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  • 1 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 tsp. pepper (optional)


Step-1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Step-2. Heat a large pot of water to boiling on the stovetop; add potatoes, and cook for 12 minutes or until potatoes are fork-tender.

Step-3. Drain water from pot and place potatoes in a mixing bowl; pour melted butter over the warm potatoes and toss until well coated.

Step-4. Place potato slices on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper; add salt and pepper if you’re using it, then top each piece with a slice of ham.

Step-5. Place baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes, or until the ham is browned and crisp.

Step-6. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and drizzle butter over the potatoes; then place the baking sheet back in the oven and cook for 10 to 15 more minutes or until browned. (You can remove the potatoes from the oven while they’re still hot before they cool completely so that you can cut them into smaller pieces.

Step-7. Serve warm.

Nutrition Facts Of Top The Tater Recipe

Protein6 g
Fat13.6 g
Saturated Fat7.8 g
Carbohydrates30.5 g
Dietary Fiber4.7 g
Cholesterol64 mg
Sodium512 mg

Best 11 Health Benefits Of Top the tater recipe

1. The top the tater recipe is a good source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against diseases and infections, such as colds and cancer.

2. The tater recipe also contains fiber essential for flushing toxins from the body, lowering blood sugar levels, controlling weight, and improving digestion.

3. This recipe also contains magnesium, promoting bone health, improving your immune system, and keeping your heartbeat regularly.

4. Finally, this recipe also contains Potassium which regulates your heartbeats and maintains fluid balance and blood pressure in the body, boosts immunity, and aids in digestion.

5. This recipe is a great source of Vitamin B6, which helps release energy from food, improves immune system function, and is an important nutrient for healthy skin, nerves, and the heart.

6. This recipe is also a good source of Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which helps release energy from food, maintain healthy muscles, and protect against heart diseases and cancer.

7. This recipe is a good source of Folate, which helps the body produce new cells, an important nutrient for healthy growth and development, brain function, and healthy skin.

8. Finally, this recipe is a high source of Vitamin E, which helps maintain healthy skin and hair, protects against heart diseases, supports healthy cholesterol levels, and aids in bone health.

9. This recipe has a low glycemic index. Glycemic index is a way to measure the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar by looking at how the body responds to glucose (a simple sugar that our bodies produce from carbohydrates). The lower the glycemic index number, the slower your body will digest the food so that it releases energy into your bloodstream slowly. This means that this dish will keep you full and energized.

10. This is a low sodium meal that can be eaten frequently by those on sodium-restricted diets or those who may have high blood pressure or are prone to heart diseases.

11. Since this recipe is cooked in a large pot, the number of calories is also very low. (Although you can reduce the amount of butter added to the top of the tater if you prefer fewer calories.)

History Of Top The Tater Recipe

The top the tater recipe is a traditional Southern American recipe that has been around for years.

The top the tater recipe originated from the Southern United States and was brought over to England, Ireland, Scotland and Germany by European immigrants.

The family size of the original settlers was very large, so they used potatoes as an inexpensive food that fed many people in one sitting. Thus, this dish has been passed down through generations as a favorite dish now served in homes all over America.

Price In Top The Tater Recipe

The top the tater recipe can be bought from the grocery store for about $3.00 to $4.00 per person, making it an inexpensive dish made at home and enjoyed by many.

Can I Freeze It?

The top the tater recipe can be frozen for up to 3 months, keeping it as fresh and full of nutrients as when it was first made. To freeze, layer slices of the top of the tater recipe in a freezer-safe bag. Use a heavy-duty freezer bag or place it in a heavy-duty container with a tight-fitting lid.

Use approximately 2 cups of potato slices to 1 cup of water, and you should have enough water to freeze them. When completely frozen, seal in another freezer bag and store until ready to use again.

Is It Healthy?

The top the tater recipe is a healthy side dish prepared with just a few ingredients. This recipe is a low-calorie, low fat, and low cholesterol food high in fiber and vitamins. It can be enjoyed frequently as part of a healthy meal plan.


Top the tater recipe is a simple side dish made with just a few ingredients. Although you may think that this dish is served only during the holidays, you can enjoy it any time of year as a healthy, delicious side dish for any meal.

You can vary this recipe by adding in spices or experimenting with different potatoes.

This recipe is an inexpensive and easy way to get a meal on the table without having to spend a lot of time or money doing it.

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