Kizami Wasabi Recipe: Top 5 Health Benefits

Kizami Wasabi Recipe is a type of horseradish that is made by fermenting wasabi root and Water together.

Kizami Wasabi Recipe
Kizami Wasabi Recipe

The fermentation process changes the compounds with which the wasabi root reacts significantly, giving it an intense, spicy flavor and aroma.

In Japan, kizami wasabi can be found in shops near Asakusa and other neighborhoods near the Tokyo Sky Tree (though Kizami has been exported as far as New York City). The dish has become popular outside of Japan due to its intense flavor.

What is Kizami wasabi?

Kizami wasabi results from a special fermentation process by which kizami wasabi is made. In Japan, Kizami wasabi can be found at shops near Asakusa and other neighborhoods near the Tokyo Sky Tree. The dish has become very popular outside of Japan due to its intense flavor.

How to make Kizami Wasabi Recipe


  • 1/2 block of Kizami Wasabi
  • 180ml of Water
  • Salt to taste

Wasabi powder (for serving):

1. Wash the Kizami Wasabi and soak it in water for about 30 minutes to rehydrate. Drain water and set aside in a colander or strainer to drip dry.

2. Put the Kizami Wasabi into a sealable bag, or a container with a lid, with the Water and let the mixture rest for 5- 6 hours. You can also let the mixture rest for 2-3 days. The longer the mixture rests, the stronger the flavor and aroma.

3. When ready to serve, use a Microplane or cheese grater to grate Kizami Wasabi over hot dishes and garnish with wasabi powder.

4. If you want to store the mixture in a sealed container or bag, a trick is to squeeze out excess liquid completely. It will last for 5-6 days in the refrigerator.

5. Please note because this wasabi has not been artificially preserved, the freshness of the product will depend on how much you let it sit and how well you have sealed the container.

Use: Kizami Wasabi Recipe is best served over steamed dishes topping for dishes with sushi or sashimi. Kizami Wasabi Recipe can be used as a garnish for soups and salads.

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Nutrition facts of Kizami Wasabi Recipe

Sugars0 g
Protein0 g
Vitamin A1%
Vitamin C8%

5 Health Benefits of Kizami Wasabi Recipe

1. Because kizami wasabi is made from 100% wasabi, the phytonutrient content per gram is greater in kizami wasabi than pasteurized and artificially-flavored wasabi.

2. Because it has not been pasteurized, kizami wasabi retains the effective components of the original plant. Inorganic materials like heavy metals are removed during pasteurization and artificial flavoring, making the Kizami Wasabi Recipe healthier for you.

3. Raw wasabi has been shown to improve digestion, balance blood sugar, and regulate digestion.

4. The high concentration of phytochemicals such as vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoids, and isoflavones in raw wasabi helps detoxify the body and strengthen immunity by fighting against infections through its antioxidant properties.

5. Wasabi can be used for medicinal purposes, such as stopping bleeding from cuts and wounds.

Price In Kizami Wasabi Recipe

Kizami Wasabi Recipe is sold at a fairly reasonable price, ranging from 500-600 yen per 500-gram package. A package of kizami wasabi can last for about 2 meals.

Preparing Kizami Wasabi Recipe

Kizami Wasabi Recipe is easy to prepare. Wash the kizami wasabi and soak it in water for about 30 minutes, ensuring that all the sand is removed from the root before drinking (you can use chopsticks or sieves to remove excess sand).

Can I Freeze It?

Yes, kizami wasabi can be frozen. I usually keep it frozen once I get it home and use it within a month.

Is It Healthy?

Kizami Wasabi Recipe has a lot of health benefits. It is best to use fresh wasabi, as this is less processed and will be healthier for you in the long run.

Is Kizami Wasabi Fresh Or Vacuum Seal?

A vacuum-packed package of kizami wasabi that is sealed and has a date can be used for up to six months. I generally freeze it after I get it home and use it within about 7-10 days.

Can You Eat Uncooked Wasabi Paste?

Yes, you can eat uncooked wasabi paste on most salad and sushi dishes – add it to your plate at the end. If you’re sick of eating wasabi, a little of the paste in your container will numb your mouth and help relieve any aftertaste from guzzling down the fermented vegetable paste.

Is Kizami Wasabi Safe To Drink?

Yes, kizami wasabi is fine to drink. Just don’t eat it on its own.

Where Can You Find Kizami Wasabi Recipe?

Kizami Wasabi Recipe can be found for sale at any Japanese grocery store in Japan. Some Japanese restaurants in the US and UK may offer kizami wasabi as a side dish or a garnish for sushi.

If you are interested, look for it at your local Asian grocery store and check online at Amazon and the Japanese online grocer.

The Bottom line

Kizami Wasabi Recipe is a must-have for any sushi or Japanese cuisine fan. The fermentation process changes the compounds with which the wasabi root reacts significantly, giving it an intense and spicy flavor.

The longer it sits, the stronger the flavor and aroma will get. If you can’t find kizami wasabi where you are, it’s easy to make your own in just a couple of hours.

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