Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe: 6 Health Benefits

Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe, is a dish from Peru that you can find all over the country. In Lima, you will see it as Pescado a la Chalaca, made with tomatoes, onions, and garlic.

Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe
Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe

In the highlands region of Cajamarca, this dish is Pescado a la Huancaina made with yellow peppers, boiled eggs, and cheese sauce.

How to make Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe


  • 2 lbs fish fillets (Tilapia, Snapper, Cod, etc.)
  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup chopped scallions or chives


  • 2 tbsp Maggi or Knorr Chicken Bouillon

Preparation Method:

1. Cut the fish into small pieces. I prefer my Pescado a lo Macho to be on the crunchy side. If you like it more tender, simmer it for about 10 more minutes and then add the heavy cream and let it reduce.

2. Make the seasoning. In a frying pan, add some oil, add the Maggi or the Knorr Bouillon, and add the scallions or chives. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

3. Add the seasoning and saute for 3 minutes.

4. Add to the heavy cream mix already simmering in step 1 and let it reduce for about 10 more minutes until it coats all fish pieces well.

5. Serve and enjoy!

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Nutrition facts of Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe

Protein28.9 grams
Carbohydrates0.6 grams

6 Health benefits of Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe

1. Fish:

This dish is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, Vitamin A and B12, iron, and zinc.

2. Reducing cholesterol:

Pescado, a lo Macho, is the best Omega 3 fatty acids source that lowers your blood cholesterol levels while providing you with high amounts of protein.

3. Speed up weight loss:

Pescado, a Lo Macho, is one of the foods that can help you lose weight because this dish incorporates fat and natural carbohydrates.  It also helps reduce your sugar levels.

4. Weight regulated:  

Pescado, a Lo Macho, is lower in saturated fats and high in protein, keeping you feeling full longer. Protein is the most satiating of all nutrients.

5. It helps control blood sugar:  

Drinking heavy cream with this dish will help slow down the rise in your blood glucose levels.

6. Improves memory:  

Vitamin B12, which is found in fish like tilapia, also increases oxygen flow to our brains and helps us think clearer.

History of Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe

This dish has been served for centuries in its original form. The fish has a particular taste that goes well with most ingredients added to it.

The leftover banana pepper sauce can create other meals like cakes, pastries, and drinks!

How to keep Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe

Always refrigerate your Pescado A Lo Macho before serving. If you want to save some time, use the flavored cream base you made in step 1 and freeze it. When you are ready to serve, thaw it and stir in the Pescado a lo Macho ingredients.

Variations of Pescado A Lo Macho Recipe

Pescado, a lo Macho, can be made with just about any kind of fish. You can also add different spices to give it more flavor.

Instead of eggs, you can also use other vegetables like broccoli, green beans, and carrots. The eggs make this dish easier to make, but they are unnecessary.

Can I Freeze It?

You can freeze this dish for later use. If you are making a large amount of this dish, it is best to freeze it in batches.

This way, you can save portions for later use. If you want to make sure the fish stays nice and firm when frozen, don’t add any butter or flour to the sauce before freezing it.

Is It Healthy?

This dish is a good source of protein and is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. It is also high in vitamins B12, A, and C and contains iron, zinc, Vitamin E, and Omega 6 fatty acids.

This dish will keep your skin healthy because it contains many antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Is there a Substitute for the Fish?

You can grill chicken instead of fish, but you will have to cook it longer than the fish to keep it moist.

The Bottom Line

Making this dish is easy and versatile. You can make this dish with any fish so you can go to your local market and find the one that you prefer. If you don’t see any fish at the store, you can use chicken.

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